
NewDeal Invest Live Q&A - June 2nd at 20:00 with Mads Christiansen, Jesper Bæk

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00:00 Welcome and introduction
02:07 Dell earnings, Salesforce earnings, SaaS downturn
09:17 Intel and ASML and the building of new fabs
12:02 Explaining Gravity stock - do we still like this investment?
15:14 The high-risk nature of the games industry - Embracer Group's failure
17:16 Thoughts on smaller Danish IT-companies: CBrain, Netcompany...
19:08 Hims & Hers adding GLP1 to its inventory as a marketing scheme
25:14 The state of Broadcom prior to earnings June 12th
29:00 Why datacenters will keep buying chips, even as the next gen nearing
32:05 Will Tesla Robotaxis disrupt Uber's business?
37:10 Our thoughts on AppLovin and AXON 2.0, Unity outcompeted
42:12 Performance of PMINDI and future expectations
46:38 The importance of keeping cash on the side with high volatility and variance
52:00 Follow-up question on SAP from last session - SAP as an AI play?
59:05 Will NDI invest in the biotech industry?

https://shorturl.at/UUZN8 - Copy the NDI-FutureTech Portfolio on eToro

Ask all the questions you'd like in the chat. We will answer as many as we possibly can! If you have questions about the positions we follow, our portfolio or topics from Aktieuniverset now is the time! This time with guest Simon He of Convequity!

NewDeal Invest is an investment fund that specialises in innovation, digitalization and future trends. We embrace the fact that the world is rapidly changing, and this is where we see opportunities. We spend lot of our time endeavouring to understand the future.

We are investors. We buy and hold innovative companies, especially within digital transformation. We invest globally, predominantly in companies that use digitalisation to create new solutions to old problems. The companies that are of interest to us are often disrupters of other companies that fail to focus on innovation.

NewDeal Invest was founded by fund manager Mads Christiansen and is run by his handpicked team of experts, who all share his investment philosophy and vision of the future.

The members of our team each have different skill sets, but we all embrace the same investment philosophy. We are investors and our strategy is compounding. We look for the best companies to buy and hold for years. We like founder-led companies with innovative cultures.

Stil alle de relevante spørgsmål i har lyst til i chatten. Vi svarer på alt hvad vi kan nå!
Har du spørgsmål til NewDeal Invests fonde, de positioner vi følger eller emner fra Aktieuniverset, så er det nu du har chancen!

NewDeal Invest er en investeringsfond specialiseret i innovation, digitalisering og fremtid. Vi omfavner det faktum, at verden ændrer sig i et hastigt tempo, og det er her, vi ser de bedste muligheder. Vi bruger rigtig meget tid på at prøve at forstå fremtiden.

Vi investerer globalt, fortrinsvist i selskaber, der bruger digitalisering til at skabe nye løsninger på gamle problemer. De selskaber, der er interessante for os, er ofte disruptere af andre virksomheder, som ikke fokuserer på innovation.

NewDeal Invest er stiftet af fondschef Mads Christiansen og drives af Mads Christiansen og hans hold, der deler hans syn på, hvor verden bevæger sig hen.

Vi har hver især forskellige kompetencer, men vi deler den samme investeringsfilosofi. Vi er investorer, og vores strategi er compounding.

Compounding betyder, at vi investerer i virksomheder, som har en høj sandsynlighed for en god fremtid og derfor vil generere et god afkast. Vi er særligt interesseret i virksomheder, der ledes af virksomhedens grundlægger, og hvor kulturen i virksomheden er innovativ og fremadskuende.

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