
Crime: A Nove | Irvine Welsh | Talks at Google

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Irvine Welsh visits Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters to discuss his book "Crime: A Novel." This event took place on September 19, 2008, as part of the Authors@Google series.

Welshs sizzling new novel, Crime, is a thrilling journey into the bright glamour of the Sunshine State and a seething underworld of utter darkness.

Now bereft of both youth and ambition, Detective Inspector Ray Lennox is recovering from a mental breakdown induced by occupational stress and cocaine abuse, and a particularly horrifying child sex murder case back in Edinburgh. On vacation in Florida, his fiancée Trudi is only interested in planning their forthcoming wedding, and a bitter argument sees a deranged Lennox cast adrift in strip-mall Florida. In a seedy bar, Lennox meets two women, ending up at their apartment for a coke binge, which is interrupted by two menacing strangers. After the ensuing brawl, Lennox finds himself alone with Tianna, the terrified ten-year-old daughter of one of the women, and a sheet of instructions that make him responsible for her immediate safety.

Irvine Welsh is the author of eight previous works of fiction, including Trainspotting and most recently, If You Liked School, Youll Love Work.

Crime | Irvine Welsh | Talks at Google

Crime: A Nove | Irvine Welsh | Talks at Google

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