
Evolutionless - Ep 5 Miller-Urey Experiment

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What caused the initiative for the production of this movie was clearly the fact that Darwinian Evolution is not true and scientifically incorrect, together with the fact that it is very misleading and destructive for humanity.

Chapter I (from 1/12) – This chapter is mainly concerned with the refutation of their claims.
1. Introduction
2. Definitions & Darwin's Finches
3. Natural Selection
4. Genetic Mutations
5. Miller-Urey Experiment
6. The Tree Of Life
7. Similarities
8. Resistant Bacteria & Fruit-Flies
9. Dinosaur To Bird
10. Simply Human
11. Dawkins' Doubt
12. The Debate
Chapter II (from 13/19) – This chapter reveals the deceptions and lies of evolutionists, and how these deceptions contributed on misleading the public.
13. Fossil Deception
14. Deception Continues
15. Inventing Evidence
16. Haeckel's Embryos
17. No Vestigial Organs!
18. Forbidden Archeology
19. Human Devolution

Chapter III (from 20/28) – This chapter presents scientific concepts that prove Darwinian evolution is not a valid scientific theory.
20. The Origin Of Genetic Information
21. Cambrian Explosion
22. Irreducible Complexity
23. Entropy & Mathematical Probabilities
24. Altruism & Metamorphosis
25. Animals Defy Evolution
26. Living Fossil
27. A Single Race
28. Jinns Disprove Evolution
Chapter IV (from 29/32) – In this chapter we’ll cover some of the philosophical arguments for Design.
29. Arguments For Design
30. Teleological Argument
31. Who Designed the Designer!
32. Absurdity Of Naturalism

Chapter V (from 33/37) – In this chapter we’ll see the destruction and catastrophic consequences of a great lie, and the suppressions and challenges that ID is facing.
33. Applied Darwinism
34. Eugenics And Euthanasia
35. Suppressing Intelligent Design
36. Challenges Ahead
37. Finalization
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