
April 1882 General Conference

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Text sources: Richards, Franklin D. "The Lord's Work—Warfare not Required of the Saints—An Overruling Providence—Corruption and Perjury in High Places—Violation of the Constitution—False Accusations Against the Saints—Words of Comfort and Exhortation." Journal of Discourses. Volume 23. April 8, 1882: pg. 106-114.
Smith, Joseph F. "The Laws of God and the Laws of the Land—The Saints An Obedient and Law-Abiding People—Their Persecutions Productive of Prosperity—Their Past and Prospective Experience and Eventual Triumph." Journal of Discourses. Volume 23. April 9, 1882: pg. 69-76.
Snow, Erastus. "The Last Dispensation—The Saints' Religion Practical—Hostility to God's Work—Divisions in Sectarian Churches—Unity of the Saints—Early History of Utah—“Mormon” Thrift and Enterprise—The One-Man Power—God's People a Free People—Increase of Corruption—The Saints Hopeful." Journal of Discourses. Volume 23. April 7, 1882: pg. 83-92.
Snow, Lorenzo. "Ancient and Modern Israel Compared—God's Work Progressive—His Overruling Providence." Journal of Discourses. Volume 23. April 7, 1882: pg. 150-155.
Taylor, John. "The Gospel's Restoration—Its Priesthood and Principles—The Saints Misrepresented—The “Mormon” War—Comparative Statistics—The Impending Judgments of God—Duties of the Saints—A Warning to Their Oppressors—The Wickedness of the World—Exhortation to Righteousness." Journal of Discourses. Volume 23. April 9, 1882: pg. 47-68.
Thatcher, Moses. "The Mission of the Holy Ghost—Commissions of the Ancient and Modern Apostles—Unbelief, Division, Superstition and Fanaticism—Sincerity No Evidence of Truth, But Always Entitled to Respect—Marriage Commanded of God and Forbidden By Man—Moral Courage and Anti-“Mormon” Legislation—Righteous and Unrighteous Dominion—The Purity of the Elders of Israel—The Worship of Wealth and Its Poverty—Public opinion and Independence of Character—The Latter-Day Saints Never Destined to Be Slaves—Persecution and Its Consequences—Exhortation to Loyalty, Long-suffering, Kindness, Integrity and Righteousness." Journal of Discourses. Volume 23. April 8, 1882: pg. 196-214.
The Deseret News. "Fifty-Second Annual Conference." April 12, 1882: pg. 188-189.
The Deseret News. "Fifty-Second Annual Conference." April 19, 1882: pg. 194-195.

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