
【零失敗基本做法】日式番茄醬蛋包飯 要有靚形狀靠一樣法寶?|Japanese Omelette Rice in Tomato Sauce|下駅味來 Bigboyrecipe

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✥ 你個胃叫你撳入嚟 ➣ https://t.ly/mHFc ✥

另一方面,番茄醬也絕對是蛋包飯的主角之一,番茄醬除了放在表面作點綴外,更是令炒飯底香甜惹味的重要元素!今次我用了做番茄產品做得出神入化的 KAGOME 番茄醬,這支日本No.1 的番茄醬含有極豐富的茄紅素,不單止番茄味突出,更具抗氧化及美肌功效🍅 此外,它的軟身樽裝設計也值得一讚,易唧易用,更易控制分量,日本人於產品設計的細心度認真世一!

KAGOME 番茄醬 3湯匙
白飯(煮熟) 250克
雞扒 100克
洋蔥 ½個
鹽 ½茶匙
麻油 1湯匙
番茜 適量
油 1湯匙

KAGOME番茄醬 適量
雞蛋 3顆
牛奶 1湯匙
油 2湯匙

There are many different ways to make Japanese Omelette Rice. Today I am sharing a simple method to create a good looking omelette rice. Apart from egg and rice, top quality tomato ketchup sauce definitely add points to the dish. Using home-grown and the best quality tomato to create its sauce, KAGOME has the best tomato ketchup to offer which serves the most of natural antioxidants and immune system boosters to produce healthy, great-tasting tomato sauce without relying on unnatural additives.

【Fried Rice】
KAGOME Tomato Sauce 3 tbsp
Cooked Rice. 250g
Chicken Thigh 100g
Onion ½ bulb
Salt ½ tsp
Sesame Oil 1 tbsp
Parsley to taste
Cooking Oil 1 tbsp

【Omelette(per serving)】
KAGOME Tomato Sauce to taste
Egg 3 bulbs
Milk 1 tbsp
Cooking Oil 2 tbsp

✥文字食譜 Written Recipe ✥

日式拿破崙意粉 Spaghetti Napolitan ➵ https://youtu.be/BmE5yrkBjuA


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@kagomehk5936 ​

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