
Bas Vodde - Large Scale Scrum - LeSS - A fireside story

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An introduction to Large Scale Scrum told as a fireside story by LeSS co-creator Bas Vodde at Adventures with Agile in London.

See all future LeSS training with Adventures with Agile here:

Watch other LeSS meetups here:

An Intro to LeSS Feb 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phOCA3myNws
An Intro to LeSS - Fireside Story Sep 15: hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZOFtrxprP0
Q & A With Craig Larman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHLP1qB1qyk

Bas Vodde - More with LeSS: Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)

Bas Vodde - Large Scale Scrum - LeSS - A fireside story

Technical? Practices? Scrum? - Bas Vodde

Bas Vodde: "The Story of LeSS " | Agile100

Bas Vodde What is going to be the next big thing in the agile world

Introduction to LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) - Shana

Bas Vodde talks LeSS Large Scale Scrum with Jerry Rajamoney

Introduction to LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) - Dawson

Agile:MK October 2015 - Bas Vodde: Creating LeSS

More with LeSS - An Introduction to Large Scale Scrum by Tim Abbott

Episode 170: Large Agile Software Development with Bas Vodde

LeSS Complete Picture, 3-minute introduction to Large Scale Scrum

Story of LeSS: More with LeSS by Bas Vodde

The Story of LeSS - Agile Singapore Conference 2016

Large scale scrum adoption at base company - ( Webinar - Case Study )

The Story of LESS by Bas Vodde at #AgileIndia2017

The Liberators - Experience Interview with Bas Vodde

Short introduction to LeSS

DR. WOLFGANG RICHTER | LeSS – Large Scale Scrum | Agile Rock Conference

Greg Hutchings ( Large Scale Scrum - more with LeSS)

Introduction of Large Scale Scrum (#LeSS) by #Craig Larman || #Scaling #Agile with #LeSS Framework

Agile at Scale Jan 2021 - LeSS, Nexus, and other Common Scaling Considerations

Popular Agile Scaling Frameworks

[Webinar] - Descaling with LeSS

Nexus: Scaled Scrum is still Scrum by Jeronimo Palacios

Wolfi and Elad talk about: SAFe and LeSS - 4 questions to the experts and some interesting insights.

Large Scale Scrum Q&A with Craig Larman

Keynote (Ericsson) - Scaling Agile with Large-Scale Scrum - Craig Larman

Large Scale Transformation at PandaDoc

The Story of LeSS - Voxxed Days Singapore 2018

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