
GIFT2019: Fifty years of Plate Tectonics - Afterthoughts of a witness

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Geosciences Information For Teachers workshop presentation by Xavier Le Pichon (Collège de France, Paris, France) at the 2019 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. The 2019 GIFT Workshop was titled 'Plate tectonics and Earth's structure – yesterday, today, tomorrow'. (Credit: EGU)

The EGU Committee on Education has organised Geosciences Information For Teachers (GIFT, http://www.egu.eu/education/gift/) Workshops since 2003. These are two-and-a-half-day teacher enhancement workshops held in conjunction with EGU's annual General Assembly. There, selected top-level scientists working in the Earth Sciences offer the invited teachers talks centered on a different theme every year.

The main objective of the GIFT workshops is to spread first-hand scientific information to science teachers of primary and secondary schools, significantly shortening the time between discovery and textbook, and to provide the teachers with material that can be directly transported to the classroom. In addition, the full immersion of science teachers in a truly scientific context (EGU General Assemblies) and the direct contact with world-leading geoscientists are expected to stimulate curiosity towards scientific research that the teachers then transmit to their pupils.

The use of GIFT videos is allowed exclusively for educational purposes.

GIFT2019: Plate tectonics and climate - What's new since Wegener and Köppen?

GIFT2019: Plate Tectonics: A geological perspective

GIFT2019: Planet Press

GIFT2019: SCIENTIX and europeana: Online resources to teach Earth sciences

GIFT2019: Plate Tectonics: The origin of earthquakes in and around stable plates

GIFT2019: Sinking oceans, rising mountains, earthquakes that shape the Earth

GIFT2019: Some shapes of Plate Tectonics to come

GIFT2019: Imaging the Deep Earth

GIFT2019: Fifty years of Plate Tectonics - Afterthoughts of a witness

GIFT2019: Plate Tectonics: Linking Surface Geology to Earth’s Deep Interior

GIFT2019: Use of satellite data (Earth observation and navigation) for Plate Tectonics applications

GIFT2019: ENVRIplus e-learning platform

EGU GIFT2018: How volcanic eruptions caused Earth's greatest mass extinction

EGU GIFT2018: Shaping the Earth – from Pangaea... and possibly back again!

GIFT2019: Bridging the rift - Earthquake design of the Rion-Antirrion bridge

GIFT2019: Magnetic Anomalies Over Oceanic Ridges - In the footsteps of Frederick Vine

GIFT2019: Seafloor spreading: plate divergence processes at mid-ocean ridges

EGU GIFT2015: Global natural resource use

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