
The World's Longest Living People DON'T Eat These 10 Foods

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What foods should you avoid to live longer?
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We'll be talking about these items in this video:
- How to live longer?
- How to look younger than our age?
- How to live better?
- What are the foods to avoid to live longer?
- What are the foods that old people don't eat?
- Which foods help us to live longer?
- Which foods speed up the aging process?
- How to stop aging?
- What is an anti-aging diet?

10- Processed meat
While the occasional deli sandwich for lunch probably won't harm you, consistent consumption of deli and processed meats over time has been linked to many types of disease, including heart disease and cancer, according to Roger E. dr. Adams, Houston-based dietitian, and nutritionist, founder of eatrightfitness.com. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies processed meats (most deli meats, sausages, ham, bacon, and sausages) as carcinogens.
9- Chinese takeaway
In addition to MSG, Americanized versions of popular Asian foods are often high in salt and fat. "High-fat consumption can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer," warned Dr. Adams. "The high amount of added sodium in these types of foods can also cause a rapid increase in blood pressure and, if consumed regularly, heart disease.
8- Diet soda
The chemical substance found in most products with artificial sweeteners, including the ever-popular diet soda, is aspartame, which has been connected to brain tumors as well as some blood-related cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma.
7- Grill
When high temperatures come into contact with the surface of the meat, a chemical reaction occurs that involves the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)," Adams explained. Studies have indicated that exposure to HCAs and PAHs can cause cancer. In animals, researchers are still investigating the link between meat preparation methods and cancer risk. The good news is that there are many techniques to reduce this reaction.
6- Foods containing MSG
A flavor enhancer can make your food taste so good that you love it, but it is associated with several health problems, including headaches, flushing, sweating, facial pressure or tension, numbness, tingling or burning, fast palpitations, chest tightness and pain, nausea, etc. It has been recommended to choose foods labeled "No MSG Added" or replace them with organic nuts and seeds that are rich in magnesium, a mineral that is important for more than 700 to 800 enzymes in our bodies, including normal immune function, insulin control, sugar balance in the blood, and energy production.
5- White flour products
White foods, or foods that have been processed, refined, and often leave a white appearance, are not easy for your body to digest. These foods, such as flour, bread, crackers, white rice, pasta, etc., provide an excess of simple carbohydrates that quickly turn into sugar in the blood and can cause insulin resistance and lead to diabetes and heart disease.
4- Trans fat
Sorry to disappoint those who like fries, cakes, cookies, and anything super sweet, frosted, or fried, but most of them are extremely high in trans fats. "Trans fats are linked to inflammation, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other life-shortening chronic conditions," warns Sally Warren, Ph.D., a traditional naturopath at Metro Integrative Pharmacy.
3- Energy drink
You know those highly caffeinated drinks are bad for you, but you still probably take a sip every now and then. Experts say that if you want to give your body the best chance to live a long and healthy life, it's best to stop drinking them. "These drinks contain a lot of caffeine, which can cause arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats," says Nicole Weinberg, MD, of Providence St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California.
2- Fast food
As hard as it is to resist, experts recommend saying no to a hamburger and fries at McDonald's or Burger King. "Eliminating saturated fat and high-sodium fast food from your diet will help reduce calories and fat," said Dr. OB-GYN and Women's Health Providence St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California.
1- More than 1 to 2 alcoholic drinks per day
Drinking more than one alcoholic drink daily for women and more than two for men is associated with health effects later in life. "While I rarely tell any of my clients to avoid alcohol completely, I make sure they are aware of the nuances between moderate, healthy drinking and amounts that affect short-term and long-term health," Adams said.
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The World's Longest Living People DON'T Eat These 10 Foods

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