
Assertiveness and Self Confidence | Online Short Course | Global Training Institute

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Global Training Institute | Assertiveness and Self-Confidence Short Course
Phone: 1800 998 500 | Email: dir@globaltraining.edu.au | http://globaltraining.edu.au/

Improve your assertiveness and self confidence…Self confident and assertiveness are two skills that are crucial for success in life. If you don’t feel worthy, and/or you don’t know how to express your self-worth when communicating with others, life can be very painful. This online tutorial will give you an understanding of what assertiveness and self confidence each mean (in general and to you personally) and how to develop those feelings in your day-to day lives.

Complete this Assertiveness and Self Confidence Skills short course, and discover how to:

Define assertiveness and self confidence, and list the four styles of communication
Describe the types of negative thinking, and how one can overcome negative thoughts
Explain the difference between listening and hearing, and understand the importance of body language and questioning skills in communication
Define the importance of goal setting, and practice setting SMART goals for assertive behavior
Utilize methodologies for understanding your worth — and the use of positive self-talk
List reasons why a pleasing appearance and body language are critical for creating a strong first impression
Practice sending positive communications phrased as “I-Messages”
Use the STAR model to make your case during a presentation challenge
Display rapport-building skills through assertive methods of expressing disagreement and consensus-building techniques
Practice strategies for gaining positive outcomes in difficult interpersonal situations.
Assertiveness and Self Confidence Tactics and Techniques

You will gain dozens of essential Assertiveness and Self Confidence skills and strategies

Asking Questions
Setting Smart goals
Creating Positive Self-Talk
Body language
Speaking confidently
Coping techniques
Dealing with difficult behaviour

So, why delay. Register now, gain instant access to your short course online and start straight away…

Assertiveness and Self Confidence | Online Short Course | Global Training Institute

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