
Costco的孢子甘蓝搭配香干这样炒太好吃了❗|风味营养素菜|Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Five Spice Tofu

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我经常在Costco买这种2磅包装的孢子甘蓝 (抱子甘蓝,迷你卷心菜),搭配五香豆腐干和洋葱再配上特殊熬制的意大利香醋,好吃又营养丰富。
I often buy this 2-pound package of Brussels sprouts (Brussel sprouts) at Costco. It is served with five-spice dried tofu and onions and topped with a special boiled Italian balsamic vinegar. It is very delicious and nutritious.

Ingredients 用料:
1 LB (450g) brussels sprouts 孢子甘蓝
10 oz (283g) five spice tofu 五香豆腐干
Half an onion 洋葱
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 意大利香醋
2 tbsp dark brown sugar 红糖
2 tsp salt 盐
1/2 tsp black pepper 黑胡椒粉
Cooking oil 食用油

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