
Swami Narasimhananda@IITK: Mahavakyas- The Great Sentences of the Upanishads

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ivekananda Samiti was privileged to organize a 3 day lecture
series on Vedanta, one of the timeless philosophies of India, by revered Swami Narasimhananda as per
the following schedule:

Friday, Sept.23, 2016, 6.15 pm - 7.30 pm
Topic: The Great Illusion, according to Vedanta

Saturday, Sept.24, 2016, 5.00 pm– 6.30 pm
Topic: Mahavakyas: The Great Sentences of the Upanishads

Sunday, Sept.25, 2016, 5.00 pm – 6.30 pm
Topic: Tat Twam Asi- Decoding the Vedas

Venue:L-8, Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Kanpur

About the Speaker:
Swami Narasimhananda is a monk of the worldwide twin-organization
Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission started by Swami Vivekananda,
Swami Narasimhananda is currently the editor of Prabuddha Bharata, an
English journal founded by Swami Vivekananda in 1896. He writes regularly
on philosophy, social sciences, religion, Indology, and
Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, and Vedanta. He has edited a compilation of Swami
Vivekananda’s teachings titled Vivekananda Reader. He also translates old
Sanskrit texts hitherto unpublished in English. Presently he is working on
English translations of Svarajya Siddhi and Maitrayani Upanishad. He is
actively involved in formulating university syllabi in various Indian
universities on various disciplines of humanities and social sciences,
especially Philosophy, Religious Studies, Comparative Religions, and
Sociology of Religion.

Swami Narasimhananda@IITK: Mahavakyas- The Great Sentences of the Upanishads

Swami Narasimhananda@IITK:Tat Twam Asi- Decoding the Vedas

Swami Narasimhananda@IITK: The Great Illusion, according to Vedanta

The 4 Great Mahavakyas (full length version).


4 Mahāvākyas in Upanishads: Tat Tvam Asi | Aham Brahmasmi | Prajnanam Brahma | Ayam Atma Brahma

INTRODUCTION TO VEDANTA Tattvabodha Narasimhananda 1

Mahavakya Vichara - 1 - By Swami Brahmavidananda Saraswati

Swami Narasimhananda Consciousness According to Advaita Vedanta

#Mahavakyas: The Complete Knowledge | Pravrajika Divyanandaprana

Mahavakyas: Four Great Statements in Vedanta, Part II: 2015-12-20

WHAT IS GOD? Explains Swami Narasimhananda

Mahavakyas: Four Great Statements in Vedanta, Part I, 2015-12-06

God Formulas 28 Brahma Sutra 1.1.4 Fourth Sutra 2021 English Explanation Narasimhananda

God Formulas 75 Brahma Sutras English Explanation Narasimhananda

The 4 Great Mahavakyas & Non-dual Awareness

Mahavakyas: Four Great Statements in Vedanta, Part IV: 2016-02-28

Mahavakyas: Four Great Statements in Vedanta, Part III, 2016-02-14

Introduction to Upanishads

"Tat Tvam Asi" Mahavakya from Chandogya Upanishad by Sri Sw Tattvavidananda Saraswati in English

Gita For All 100 Bhagavad Gita Explained by Swami Narasimhananda

01 Kaivalyopanishad- Upanishad, Guru

Upanishads are the Vedantic Wisdom

Dr K K Aggarwal - Four Mahavakyas: Essence of the Upanishads?

Tat Tvam Asi - Talk by Swami Bodhatmananda - Day 1

Shvetashvatara Upanishad - 01 by Neema Majmudar

Katha Upanishad Death with a Difference Narasimhananda 78

Life & Works of Advaita Acharya's: Narahari's Bodhasara - 01 by Swami Narasimhananda

Tat Tvam Asi (That Thou Art) | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Ishavasya Upanishad ईशावास्योपनिषद् Class 5

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