
Trump Keeping Close Eye On Florida Governor As His Popularity Surpasses Trump's

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According to reports, Donald Trump is keeping a very close eye on Republican Florida governor Ron DeSantis, as DeSantis is quickly becoming more popular than Trump himself. DeSantis recently beat out Trump in a conservative straw poll, and now DeSantis is worried that he's becoming too popular and he knows this could make Trump angry. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains how ridiculous this is, and why Trump's lingering presence in the GOP is a gift to the Democratic Party.

Link - https://www.rawstory.com/ron-desantis-donald-trump-2653676685/

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Donald Trump, according to reports is keeping an eye on Florida, governor Ron DeSantis. And the reason he's having to do that is because recently there was a straw poll from a conservative conference over in Denver, where DeSantis actually emerged as the favorite among those Republicans for the 2024 presidential nod. Ron DeSantis out polled Donald Trump. Now it was only by a few points, but to Santas could now conceivably be considered the front runner for the Republicans for 2024. And that doesn't sit too well with Donald Trump. Now immediately after this straw poll came out, Politico did a great big article, much bigger probably than it should have been, uh, talking about how Ron DeSantis is wary of this new poll. And he's concerned because he doesn't want to off Donald Trump. He doesn't want Trump to get mad at him because he's now more popular. And now we're getting more reports out saying that, oh, Trump is keeping an eye on that.

Yes, after all Trump created DeSantis and he could destroy him if he needed to really interesting dynamic playing itself out in the Republican party today. And it's all because Donald Trump refuses to go away. That's what's happening here. And B to be honest, I love it. I love it because it is absolutely knee capping the Republican party and giving an advantage at the moment to the Democrats, if they were smart enough to seize on it. And so far they're not, but time will tell and see if they actually wise up and start doing that. But here's, what's happening. Folks. DeSantis is not the only Republican that wants to run for president in 2024. And he's got a good opportunity to do it by the way, because he's up for reelection in 2022, leaving the, uh, 23 and 24 years wide open. If he chooses to run for president, but other Republicans like Josh, Holly, you know, they've gone to Iowa. They haven't announced anything, but they're doing traveling, you know, to states that they do not represent and have no interest in, unless of course they were running for president, but nobody can announce. Nobody can create their little exploratory committees because Donald Trump's still won't give a definitive answer. Will he? Won't he? Oh, who knows?

And that's exactly what he wants because that keeps people talking about him. It keeps people focused on him. He doesn't care about the damage that it does to the party. He just wants to keep his name and his stupid face out there. So people keep talking about him. And so far it's working, but again, it's working to the detriment of the Republican party. Now, if the Democrats, as I mentioned were smarter, they were a little more politically savvy. If they were playing as dirty as the do, which is what you got to do, they would be out there seizing upon this very opportunity to go after all of these individuals, right? You can go ahead and dirty up all these Republicans before they even get a chance to travel to Iowa. You can dirty them up before they can even form their exploratory committees, get some good shots in now, create narratives, make sure you have them where you want them. If they do run and that's what should happen. Donald Trump has given you a lot to cover right now. He is prolonging this thing when it otherwise would not be prolonged.

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