
EH Nexus Webinar - July 12, 2022

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Racial and ethnic minority, low-income, and indigenous communities are most often disproportionately affected by environmental hazards, such as environmental pollutants and climate-related events. To help people better understand environmental justice issues in their communities, CDC’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Program developed CDC’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Dashboard. During this EH Nexus webinar, you will

Explore data on the EJ Dashboard about environmental exposures, community characteristics, and health burden—factors important to understanding and addressing environmental justice issues.

Find out about other tools and resources of the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, to go even further and learn more about data related to environmental justice.
Learn ways that community members, advocates, academia, public health practitioners, community planners, and more can use EJ data and resources on the Tracking Network.
This presentation is part of the activities for Tracking Awareness Week. The entire week’s theme is Decisions Through Data, and Tuesday’s focus is Working for Environmental Justice.

This webinar broadcasted on Tuesday, July 12, 1:00–2:00 p.m. ET via Zoom.

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Webinar moderated by:
Jonathan Lynch
Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice
National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

EH Nexus Webinar - September 14, 2021

EH Nexus Webinar - July 12, 2022

Build your story: Using CDC data tools to address environmental injustice

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