
Washing the bowl - Zen talk with Daizan Roshi

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One day a new monk came to Zen master Joshu and said “I am a new trainee in the temple, can you give me some teaching?” Master Joshu said, “Have you eaten?” and the monk said “yes”, Joshu replied “then wash your bowl”. In this talk, Daizan Roshi explains some of the ways that this famous but very simple little interchange can be looked at, in terms of digesting and cleaning the ’stuff’ accumulated in our life, and how it can nourish us. He goes on to discuss some of these views in relation to the life story of his Zen teacher in Japan, Shinzan Roshi.

Zenways (www.zenways.org) promotes and encourages activities and practices that enhance human wellbeing, balance and awakening (satori or kensho - the enlightenment of Zen) in the many different situations we find ourselves in. Over many years of strict training, in Japan and the west, Julian Daizan Skinner Roshi received dharma transmission and permission to teach in both the Rinzai and Soto lineages of Zen. He now teaches at the Yugagyo Dojo in London, UK. May these recordings help you and those around you to find and realise the truth.

Washing the bowl - Zen talk with Daizan Roshi

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