
Words that Work with Nick Winkelman from Irish Rugby | Mark Walsh Embodiment Podcast 329

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Head of athletic performance at Irish Rugby, Nick joins me to talk about what we can learn from sports science, the “invisible wall”, emotions in sport, the body-mind split, why anatomical instructions don’t help, cuing that’s works, attention, intention and learning, making things meaningful, and body awareness vs external cuing.


#Markwalsh​​ #Embodiment​​ #Podcast​
🔊The Embodiment Podcast
Conversational explorations of all things embodied – yoga, trauma, martial arts, body therapy, dance, improv, tantra, bodywork, culture etc; featuring interviews with leaders from around the world, practical tips, adult language and immature humour.

✅Who is Mark Walsh?

Mark Walsh is the founder of The Embodiment Conference, The Embodied Facilitator Course (in UK and Russia), Embodied Yoga Principles and The Embodiment Podcast and owner of Integration Training. With an honours degree in psychology, 20+ years of yoga experience and an aikido black belt, he has dedicated his life to embodied learning. He has taught everyone from street kids to the rich and famous, in over 50 countries. His hobbies include offending pirates with his swearing, impressing cats with his stroking, and embarrassing drunks with his dancing.

👉Explore his work:

🎙️'Embodiment - Moving beyond mindfulness' book: https://www.amazon.com/Embodiment-Moving-mindfulness-Mark-Walsh/dp/1916249221/
🎙️The Embodiment Conference 2020: https://theembodimentconference.org/​​
Embodied Facilitator Course: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/​​
🎙️Online Courses: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/event...​
🎙️Embodiment Shop: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/shop/​​
🎙️Corporate and business training: http://www.integrationtraining.co.uk​

Words that Work with Nick Winkelman from Irish Rugby | Mark Walsh Embodiment Podcast 329

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