
Angela Cooke, Karl White: Diversity and compliance

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Diversity and compliance

Ah, diversity and compliance. The perpetual bugbears of Learning and Development. Often treated dismissively as if they are something we only do reluctantly, they are in fact the one thing we can be sure the business will demand of us, and the one area where we can be guaranteed to make a difference to the lives of both individuals and the organisation - if they are done right. So, how do you do diversity and compliance right? Join our two expert speakers to learn how.

Changing actions and attitudes - diversity training with impact

Angela Cooke, Diversity, inclusion and well-being manager, PwC

Unconscious bias is a major barrier to a diverse and inclusive workforce, but how can it be managed? Not by appealing to the conscious mind -- 'chalk and talk' training is notoriously ineffective at altering behaviours and attitudes -- instead it needs a careful appeal to the emotions combined with a focus on practical behavioural change. Join Angela Cooke as she reveals a successful approach to diversity training, and the metrics showing it has worked.

Using issue-led videos for emotional impact
The business case for diversity and the psychological barriers against it
The necessity of intensive, prolonged marketing and executive sign off
Using learning nuggets to tackle 'micro inequities'

A systematic approach to compliance training

Karl White, Organisational Development Manager, Mercedes-Benz

Like any large operation with finance and retail departments, Mercedes-Benz's UK operation is subject to a raft of directives and legal requirements. But the resulting compliance training need be neither dull nor a drain on the L&D team's resources. In this session Karl White explores how it is possible to keep well within required legal boundaries by keeping L&D operationally smart and providing great learning content.

Why meeting compliance requirements is only the start
Putting together the right blend of technology and classroom delivery
Checking employee behaviours really are compliant
Working in partnership with suppliers to get what you need
Organising your data and systems to reduce reporting headaches


Angela Cooke, Karl White: Diversity and compliance

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