
6 Signs a guy doesn't like you | Signs he's not interested

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Whats Good you tube? Today's Video is going to be about signs a guy doesn’t like you!
Sometime we get so hung up on looking for the signals of acceptance from our crush or our love interest that we completely overlook the more obvious sign of disregard and disinterest. Hate is not the opposite of love…indifference is. It’s also much easier to identify. In this video I’ll go over 6 signs that a guy just couldn’t care less about your ass either way. Learning how to spot indifference will prevent you from wasting time chasing guys that just aren’t that into you. With that said…
1. The first sign of indifference or first sign that a guy doesn’t like you is a general lack of zeal or enthusiasm whenever you speak to them. Most of us can relate to this. Your so excited. You’ve been thinking about them all day. You can’t wait to see them. You imagined all of these scenarios where you speak and they actually are excited to see you and maybe even chat you up for a conversation. In this daydream they may even flirt with you or ask for a hug! But then reality happens. So you finally see them and in all your excitement you give your crush the most enthusiastic “hi stranger” or “what going on “ that you can muster. They look at you with dead eyes and boredom in their voice and say …hey. The disappointment hits you like a ton of bricks and now for the rest of the day anyone who speaks to you won’t get much more than that same dried up ass “hey”. If your crush consistently seems bored at the sight of you maybe you should do your best to move on, because if they did like you they would be a lot more excited to interact with you.
2. The second sign that a guy doesn’t like you is that he never stares at you. This is the most basic primal caveman shit in the world but guys almost have to stare at the things they like or find attractive. At least 90% of men couldn’t not stare at a beautiful woman if they wanted to. We have almost no control over it. This ranges from creepy kidnapper staring to repeated glances over and over and over again. Women are so mesmerizing and if a guy likes you he will be almost hypnotized in to staring in some way. If you never catch a guy staring at you then he most likely is not impressed. Myabe he just hasn’t noticed you yet. You could try to dress it up a little. A little peacocking could go a long way.(define peacocking on screen). This may be just enough to help him notice you in a way he never has before.

3. The third sign a guy doesn’t like you is he doesn’t make himself visible. As in in he’s around but never very close. When a person likes you they want to be close proximity and they want you to see them. This also gives them an opportunity to stare without looking supspicious. If a guy makes no effort to stay in your visual field, and put you in his he probably couldn’t care less about where you are in space. Think about it. When your crush is around you can almost feel them enter a room. You are constantly aware of where they are in relationship to where you are. You been doing squats and your ass is looking right. You know you wore them yoga pants just for them. You are going to make sure they see you! Guys are no different. We get fresh throw on a new pair of shoes and a nice shirt that shows our muscles. When we know we are looking our best we won’t want to waste the opportunity to be seen by the girl we’re into. A guy who’s close and has access but never really around you does not like you.

4. The 4th sign that he doesn’t like you is that he lets his friends flirt with you but he doesn’t. A lot of times two guys will both kinda like a girl and agree to both try they’re luck and let the best man win. This usually happens when both guys think you’re attractive but aren’t madly in love so to speak. Close friends however can tell when the’re best friend is really into a girl. Just like when you girls know when your friend is serious about a guy you back off. Guys do the same thing. If his friend is constantly coming on to you especially in front of him then he probably doesn’t like you very much if at all.
5. The fifth sign a guy
doesn’t like you is that he’s not afraid to notice and flirt with other girls around you. Some guys are big flirts and they are that way with anyone who is receptive. However when a guy likes you he will focus his flirting on you in particular. Even if he still flirts with other girls you may notice that it doesn’t happen in front of you. With that said if a guy is still very complimentary, touchy, feely, or huggy with other girls around you. This mean he doesn’t care about offending your sensibilities. He doesn’t care about impressing you and not special to him.

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