
Sustainability for a Circular Economy

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Tom Festa answers question that will help us achieve a sustainable circular economy.

Learn more about the two courses:

Re-engineering for a circular economy: https://www.imeche.org/training-qualifications/training-details/re-engineering-for-a-circular-economy

Sustainable product lifecycle design: https://www.imeche.org/training-qualifications/training-details/sustainable-product-lifecycle-design

Sustainability for a Circular Economy

Sustainable Design in the Circular Economy

The Circular Economy in Agricultural Nutrients

Engineering a sustainable future

From Idea to Impact: Re-Engineering for Sustainability

Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers in a Sustainable Resource’s Future

Re-engineering for Sustainability

Manufacturing and Sustainability in Orthopaedic Bioengineering

Engineering Tasks for COP27 and Beyond

Treasuring the Planet’s Resources for the Future: What Should You Do?

Behaviour change and sustainability: notes for engineers

Engineering in Space: Earthlings Boldly Going

IMechE Fellow Mike Reid at COP26

I2I Season 1 Episode 1: Energy & Sustainability - Will The Pandemic Change How We Use Resources?

An Introduction to Engineering in the Water and Food Industries

I2I Season 4 Episode 2: Manufacturing a New Future Resilience in Face of Unprecedented Challenges

Engineering for Climate Stability

Sustainable Systems: A Life Cycle Analysis of Renewable Energy Technologies

Adapting Industry to Withstand Rising Temperatures and Future Heatwaves

Alastair Graham-Bryce Memorial Lecture: The Importance of Sustainable Manufacturing for Net-Zero

The Morals and Ethics of Climate Change and Sustainability

Ricardo lecture 2016

The Engineer's Role in the Energy Transition: Meet John Massey

Tribotronics: A Step Towards a Sustainable Future

An Introduction to EcoMechatronics

Aerospace 2021: Sustainable Past, Present and Future

Catastrophe! A 50 year retrospective of catastrophic events and the lessons engineers can learn

Waste as a Resource: A Sustainable Way Forward

An Overview of the 6th Carbon Budget: The Pathway to Net Zero Emissions in the UK by 2050

COP26 - IMechE fringe event - Engineering a Stable Climate - Intro to TE

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