
CMS Fitness Courses - Learner Case Study - Emma Taylor

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My Name is Emma Taylor I am based at Perseverance mills in Lockwood and I’m a personal trainer.

My biggest personal achievement is planning my own, exercise routine, nutrition routine and I worked towards competing in strong woman last year in which I won I’m now currently training to do a part, to do a powerlifting competition and hopefully go for the world record next year.

I first became interested in personal training a few years after I’d had ‘me’ little boy and he started going to nursery I decided it was time to do something about the baby body that I had been left with so I started going to the gym using different exercises techniques and thought maybe this could be a career change for me so I looked into doing personal training course.

I chose CMS because they’ve got a really good reputation a lot of the staff at the local KAL gyms recommended them there was loads of information about them online and it just seemed the perfect service provider for me.

The qualifications I completed with CMS are fitness instructor personal trainer exercise referral so I can work with a wide range of clients with health issues, circuits and sports massage.

The things I enjoyed the most about training was all the support I received from CMS the friends that I made, I’m still in contact with most of the people I did the course with the the blog post just all the help and support I received really from CMS.

The advice I would give an up and coming personal trainer is go and do it, go do the qualification set up your own business set up an online business don’t be scared to venture out there and do it .

CMS Fitness Courses - Learner Case Study - Emma Taylor

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