
21 Taras powerful Dharani Mantras in Sacred Sanskrit as taught by Buddha, beautifully chanted

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The 21 Taras Mantra Dharanis in Sanskrit, as taught by Buddha in the Kangyur, became popularized as the 21 Homages or 21 Praises to Tara. When chanted in the original Sanskrit, the 21 Praises to Tara are 21 potent and powerful Dharanis (long-form mantras).
There is a short intro. To skip straight to the Dharani chanting, go to time index: 02:17
MUSIC RELEASE: Available on major music streamers including APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/album/mantra-collection-1/1691809507 and SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/album/0tvJoEF3wOIZvEdfv6GIo0
Although popularized as both a Tibetan and English 21 Praise chant, in its Sanskrit Holy syllable form, it is an original Dharani as taught by the Buddha.
Credits: 21 Taras Paintings by Niels Petersen
(NOTE: the descriptions below the Surya Gupta lineage of Taras (first by number, then English, then Sanskrit, then TIbetan). In Nyingmas and Atisha lineages, the names and colors are different, but the praise is the same.)
Om namo bhagavatyai āryaśrī ekaviṃśati tārāyai
namas tāre ture vīre
tuttāre bhayanāśini
ture sarvārthade tāre
svāhākāre namo’stute

Tara 1 Heroic Red Tara Pravita Tara / Rabtupa We Drolma:
namastāre ture vīre
kṣaṇa dyuti nibhekṣaṇe
trailokya nātha vaktrābja
vikasat kesarodbhave

Tara 2 Moonlight White Tara Chandra Kanti Tara / Karmo a Dang Ge Drolma:
namaḥ śata śaraccandra
sampūrṇa paṭalānane
tārā sahasra nikara prahasat

Tara 3 Golden Color Tara Kanaka Vana Tara / Ser Mo Serdok Chen Ge Drolma:
namaḥ kanaka nīlābja-pāṇi
padma vibhūṣite
dāna vīrya tapaḥ śānti titikṣā
dhyāna gocare

Tara 4 Golden Tara of Crown Victorious Usnisa Vijaya Tara / Tsug Tor Nam Pal Gyal We Drolma:
namas tathāga toṣṇīṣa
vijayā nanta cāriṇi
aśeṣa pāramitā prāpta
jina putra niṣevite

Tara 5 Tara Proclaiming the Sound of HUM / Hum Svara Nadini Tara / HUM Dra Dolpi Drolma:
namas tuttāra huṅkāra
pūritāśā digantare
saptaloka kramākrānt niḥśeṣ
ākarṣaṇa kṣame

Tara 6 Tara Victorious over the Three Levels of the World / Trai Lokya Vijaya Tara / Jig Ten Sum Lay Nam Par Gyal We Drolma:
namaḥ śakrā nala brahma
marud viśveśvar ārcite,
bhūta vetāla gandharva gaṇa
yakṣa puraskṛte

Tara 7 Tara Who Crushes Adversaries/ Vadi Pramardani Tara / Golwa Jompi Drolma
namastriḍiti phaṭkāra
parayantra pramardini
pratyālīḍha padanyāse
śikhi jvālā kulojjvale

Tara 8 Tara Who Gives Supreme Spiritual Power / Mara Sudana Vasitottama Da Tara / Wang Chug Terwe Drolma:
namasture mahāghore
māra vīra vināśini
bhṛkuṭī kṛta vaktrābja
sarva śatru niṣūdini

Tara 9 PRINCIPLE GREEN TARA: Tara of the Khadira Fragrant Forest / Khadiravana Tara / Seng Ding Nag Che Drolma:
namastrīratna mudrāṅka
hṛdayāṅguli vibhūṣite
bhūṣitā śeṣa dikcakra

Tara 10 Tara Who Dispels All Suffering / Soka Vinodana Tara / Na Nyen Me Pi Drolma
namaḥ pramuditoddīpta
mukuṭākṣipta mālini
hasat prahasat tuttāre
māra loka vaśaṅkari

Tara 11 Tara Who Summons All Beings and Dispels Misfortune / Jag Vasi Vipan Nirbarhana Tara / Dro Wa Gug Pa Am Pungpa Sel We Drolma:
namaḥ samasta bhūpāla
patal ākarṣaṇa kṣame
calada bhṛkuṭi hūṃkāra
sarvāpada vimocini

Tara 12 Tara Who Grants Prosperity and Brings about Auspicious Circumstances / Kalyana Da Tara or Manga Laloka Tara / Tashi Nang We Drolma:
namaḥ śīkhaṇḍa-khaṇḍendu
mukuṭā bharaṇoj-jvale

Tara 13 Tara the Complete Ripener Pari Pacaka Tara / Young Su Min Par Zed Pi Drolma:
namaḥ kalpānta huta bhuga
jvālā mālāntara sthite
ālīḍha muditābaddha
ripu cakra vināśini

Tara 14 Wrathful, Shaking and Frowning Tara Bhrkuti Tara / Tro Nyer Yo We Drolma:
namaḥ karatalā ghāta
ćaraṇa hatabhūtale
bhṛkuṭī kṛta hūṃkāra
sapta pātāla bhedini

Tara 15 Tara the Great Peaceful One Who Provides Virtues and Goodness Maha Shanti Tara / She Wa Chen Mo Am Gelek Ter Wi Drolma:
namaḥ śive śubhe śānte
śānta nirvāṇa gocare,
svāhā praṇava saṃyukte
mahā pātaka nāśini

Tara 16 Tara Destroyer of All Attachment Raga Nisudana Tara / Chagpa Jom Pi Drolma:
namaḥ pramuditābaddha
ripu-gātra prabhedini
daśākṣara pada-nyāse

Tara 17 Tara Accomplisher of Joy and Bliss / Sukha Sadhana Tara / Dewa Drub Pe Drolma:
namas ture pādaghāta
hūṃkārākāra bījite
meru mandharva vindhyaśca
bhuvana trayacālini

Tara 18 Victorious Tara Who Increases Realizations / Sita Vijaya Tara / Rab Tu Gye Pi Drolma:
namaḥ sureśarākāra
hariṇāṅka kara sthite
tārā dvirukta phaṭkāra
aśeṣa viṣa nāśini

Tara 19 Tara, Extinguisher of All Suffering / Dukha Dahana Tara / Duk Ngal Sek Pi Drolma:
namaḥ sura gaṇā dhyakṣa
sura kinnara sevite
ābaddha muditābhoga
kari duḥ svapna nāśini

Tara 20 Tara, Source of All Powerful Attainments / Sidhi Sambhava Tara / Ngyu Drob Jung Pi Drolma:
namaś candrārka sampūrṇa
nayana dyuti bhāsvare
hara dvirukta tut-tāre
viṣama jvara nāśini

Tara 21 Tara of the Perfection of Wisdom and Compassion Paripurana Tara / Yong Zog Jed Pi Drolma:
nama stritat tvavi nyāse
śiva-śakti samanvite
graha vetāla yakṣa gaṇa
nāśini pravare ture

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