
Bas Vodde What is going to be the next big thing in the agile world

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The #agilemanifesto was created in 2001 by a team of brilliant software engineers who wanted to break the chains of traditional waterfall-style project management and instead, create a methodology and culture that supported great works and delighting customers.

It was groundbreaking at the time and continues to grow in popularity as the world moves into ever increasing complexity, volatility, uncertainty and amiguity.

Exactly the conditions in which #agile cultures and mindsets thrive.

Bas Vodde is the co-creator of #LeSS (Large Scale Scrum) and spent thousands of hours working in agile environments and researching some of the best and worst performing teams in the world of software and product development.

Bas and Craig were at the cutting-edge of #scrum and developed the framework that would empower teams to scale scrum across multiple geographies and multiple applications.

Based on everything he's learned in the world of #agile as well as #productdevelopment, Ben Maynard was curious to know what Bas thought would be the next big thing in the agile world.

In this great podcast, #LeSS #coach and #trainer, Ben Maynard engages Bas on where the world of Agile is evolving to and what might be the thing or event that takes us to the next level. Enjoy.

If you like the opportunities Large Scale Scrum affords your business or industry, touch base with Ben Maynard for more information on how our consulting, coaching and training services can support you in that transformation.

Visit https://www.sheev.co.uk for more information.

#agile #scrum #less #LeSS #largescalescrum #scalingscrum #scaledagileframeworks #agileframeworks #agilescrumtraining #projectmanagement #productdevelopment #basvodde #agilecoach #lesscoach #lesstrainer

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Introduction to LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) - Shana

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LeSS - Large Scale Scrum ( in English ) - Hosny Ashry حسني عشري

Explaining Scrum in less than 120 seconds

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Ep 36 : 'SAFe' or 'LeSS' or 'Scrum' , which is the 'Right' framework?

Scrum@Scale vs LeSS vs SAFe | regul8training.co.uk

Systems Modeling in Certified LeSS Practitioner - Large-Scale Scrum

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