
Disrupting Existence – Future Me (Quantum Thinking 2021: Future Hacker)

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“Today, we are faced with profound questions on the most fundamental features of our world...about the essence of existence and human life in the not-so-distant future.” – Roger Spitz

A discussion around systemic paradigm shifts, societal expectations, our complex environment, existential questions, risks and opportunities.

00:00 – Disrupting existence
04:28 – Existential questions
11:54 – Data is byting back
19:22 – Exponential change
25:04 – Complexity, AI & Decision-Making
31:48 – Shoshin, Beginner’s Mind
37:16 – Existentialist conception of disruption

Quantum Thinking's 2021 talk "Disrupting Existence – Future Me" was followed by Roundtable Moderated by Lala Dehenzelin with guests Sylvia Galluser and Ligia Zottini. Link below, the Roundtable begins @40:46: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LILcvjd60fg&t=1714s

Future Hacker is an invitation to embark on a journey into the future exploring new paths, discoveries, new thoughts, and debates that should become reality in 10, 20 and 30 years. Future Hacker invites renowned professionals all over the globe to discuss topics such as Singularity, Immersive Experiences, Artificial Intelligence, Clean Energy, Circular Economy, Genomic Medicine, the Future of Education, Silicon Humanism, Crypto Economy, and anything (or anyone!) that is hacking our way to the Future. You can listen to all Future Hacker podcast interviews here:
- Future Hacker Website: https://futurehacker.mystrikingly.com/

If you enjoyed the theme of Existentialism, Agency & Beingness, you can listen to FuturePod's podcast interview with Roger "The Essence if Being Human", on this YouTube Channel or directly on FuturePod (where you can check out the references and transcript):
- https://www.futurepod.org/podcast/2020/9/28/ep-70-the-essence-of-being-human-roger-spitz

For further background on the work and bestselling publications of Roger Spitz in relation to Foresight, Systemic Disruption & Emerging Technology, you can read these articles below in the Brazilian media:

- InfoMoney: "As perguntas que tomadores de decisão têm agora não são as mesmas do passado, diz especialista em futurismo" (https://www.infomoney.com.br/negocios/as-perguntas-que-tomadores-de-decisao-tem-agora-nao-sao-as-mesmas-do-passado-diz-especialista-em-futurismo/)

- Publicado pelo Disruptive Futures Institute, “Thriving on Disruption” se torna um dos livros mais vendidos (https://www.einpresswire.com/article/637662888/publicado-pelo-disruptive-futures-institute-thriving-on-disruption-se-torna-um-dos-livros-mais-vendidos)

- Porvir: "Como os avanços da inteligência artificial demandam novas respostas da educação" (https://porvir.org/como-os-avancos-da-inteligencia-artificial-demandam-novas-respostas-da-educacao/)

- Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa (IBGC): "Nenhuma empresa ou tecnologia pode operar isoladamente” (https://www.ibgc.org.br/blog/entrevista-roger-spitz-ibgc)

- CNT (Confederação Nacional do Transporte) / SEST SENAT: “Tempos de crise são plenos de oportunidades, diz especialista em inovação”

- “Brazil Tomorrow: Could Chaos be a Driver for Transformation?”

- Tilt UOL: "Tecnologias estão te transformando em um novo humano. Este livro dá pistas" (https://www.uol.com.br/tilt/colunas/lidia-zuin/2022/12/11/livro-futuro-disrupcao-tecnologia-inovacao-perspectiva-mudanca-ano-novo.htm)

- TAB UOL: “Futurista profissional, Roger Spitz propõe um amanhã mais pragmático”

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Connect with the Disruptive Futures Institute:
• The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: https://www.thrivingondisruption.com
• Website & Newsletter: https://www.disruptivefutures.org
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• Medium: https://medium.com/disruptive-futures-institute
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Disruptive Futures Institute Launches New Programs For Sustainable Futures:
- https://www.einpresswire.com/article/659203344/disruptive-futures-institute-launches-new-programs-for-sustainable-futures

The Future is Close & Being Prototyped: What’s Emerging? (Singularity University)

The Way of The Futurist Podcast with Roger Spitz

Science Fiction as a Key Business Tool (Texas Foresight Institute)

Artificial Intelligence & Foresight (APF - Association of Professional Futurists)

Cathy Hackl’s Future Insiders Podcast with Roger Spitz

Conversation with Gen Z: Podcast with Roger Spitz

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