
Trauma Screening and Assessment for Children and Adults

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January 2024

Being able to accurately understand the potential impact of trauma to mental health functioning demands trauma screening and comprehensive neurodevelopmental trauma assessment. A trauma screening tool will be introduced for both children and adults that can be completed by non-clinicians which can further delineate the linkage between trauma and mental health for families which can increase empathy on behalf of those caring for children/adults with trauma. The difference between psychological evaluations and comprehensive trauma assessments will be defined as well as when one is more appropriate than the other.

James Henry, MSW, PhD
School of Social Work
Western Michigan University

*THIS EVENT HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR 1.0 CONTACT HOUR BY MCBAP AS A RELATED ACTIVITY. If you would like MCBAP CE for this webinar in 2024, please reach out to office@mha-mi.com for more information.

Trauma, Mental Health, and the Brain: Part I

Trauma, Mental Health, and the Brain: Part II

Trauma Screening and Assessment for Children and Adults

Advocates for Mental Health of MI Youth Advocacy Update

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