
Aprenda Inglês com textos: How to find happiness

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Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/happiness/how-find-happiness

Philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and even economists have long sought to define happiness
More than simply positive mood, happiness is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life with a sense of meaning and deep contentment.

Researchers also suggest that happiness can improve your physical health

Feelings of positivity and fulfillment seem to benefit cardiovascular health, the immune system and blood pressure, among other things.

Happiness has even been linked to a longer lifespan as well as a higher quality of life

Achieving happiness is a global pursuit. Finding happiness will always be an ongoing process.
Researchers found that people from every corner of the world rate happiness as being more important than things such as obtaining wealth or acquiring material goods

However, misperceptions abound when it comes to what we think will make us happy.
Some people believe that happiness will be achieved once they reach a certain milestone, such as finding the perfect partner or getting a particular salary.

Humans, however, are excellent at adapting to new circumstances, which means that...
People will habituate to their new relationship or wealth, return to a baseline level of happiness, and seek out the next milestone.

Fortunately, the same principle applies to setbacks—we are resilient and will most likely find happiness again.

As people strive to create a meaningful and joyful life, cultivating certain behaviors can help, including optimism, gratitude, compassion, and generosity.

Happiness is not the result of bouncing from one joy to the next; Happy people live with purpose.
They find joy in lasting relationships, working toward their goals, and living according to their values.

A happy person is fine with the simple pleasures of life such as petting a dog, sitting under a tree, enjoying a cup of tea.

There isn’t a formula for happiness, but certain steps can help people achieve more happiness on a daily basis

One is to take responsibility for your happiness, acknowledging that you can change your circumstances by taking action.

Others are to put yourself first and practice living in the present moment.

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