
Honor Your Parents to Change Your Destiny

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#BuddhismforBeginners #FamilyRelationships

What’s the secret to obtaining good luck and auspiciousness?

To live a life that’s smooth sailing, we need to honor our parents. Besides giving us the gift of life, our parents are the precious link to our ancestors. Only when they are blessed can we live auspiciously.
In this short video, Grandmaster JinBodhi guides us to show our parents respect.

#Buddhadharma #Buddhism #SelfCultivation #Wisdom
#JinBodhi #GrandmasterJinBodhi #EverydayWisdom #BuddhistTeachings #FateandCausality #DestinyandKarma #Fate #Causality #Destiny #Karma #ChantingandMantras #FamilyPrecepts #filialpiety #chanting

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Honor Your Parents to Change Your Destiny

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