
1+1 Episode 16 Yuri interviews Rick Sterling on Turkey&Israel's role in Syria & more

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1+1 is back this time with Rick Sterling an independent journalist, media critic, anti-imperialist thinker, NGO critic and member of the Syria Solidarity campaign. Rick's journalism is often published at the brilliant Mintpress News and republished on Consortium News, Globalresearch.ca, and has work published in Anti-war . com, Counterpunch, and elsewhere. I interviewed him before when I tried to get into journalism and he was my first interview subject for Black Agenda Report where I interviewed him on all things Syria and we return to that subject focusing on Turkey and Israel's role in being partner in crime to the Western/Gulf imperial/Sunni Jihadi project in Syria, why is Russia negotiating with Turkey, why is Assad tolerating Turkey involved in negotiations to end the war given Turkey's imperial blood in its efforts to overthrow him and destroy the country and what is Israel under Netanyahu gaining from siding with the Western/Gulf states who exported ISIS and other Islamist goons into Syria. all this and more in this special episode of 1+1. please share widely! and here is where you can find Rick's latest piece and his body of stunning muckraking and mythbusting work
1. https://www.mintpressnews.com/author/rick-sterling/
2. https://consortiumnews.com/tag/rick-sterling/
3. https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/rick-sterling
4. https://original.antiwar.com/author/rick_sterling/
5. https://www.counterpunch.org/author/7etuwruk/
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