
Thematic Panel 2 / 'Bi/Multi/Plurilingualism, Interculturality & Technology'

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FAAPI 2013 - Thematic Panel 2: 'Bi/Multi/Plurilingualism, Interculturality & Technology' (September 27th, 2013)

Mariel Amez (APrIR Member)
Alicia Artusi (APIBA Member)
Clare Furneaux (University of Reading, UK)
Aurelia García (APPI Member)
Liliana Simón (APIBA Member)
Moderator: Gabriela Madera (APIBA Member)

Amez, Mariel (APrIR Member) is a Teacher of English (INSP Rosario and UNR). She is currently a lecturer in English Literature at IES “O. Cossettini” and ISPI “San Bartolomé” (Rosario), a Cambridge English Speaking Examiner and Secretary to APrIR’s Executive Committee. Her research interests include literature, online learning and teacher education.

Artusi, Alicia (APIBA Member) is a Teacher of English Language and Literature graduated at Universidad Nacional de La Plata, and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Professional Development with NILE and the University of East Anglia, UK. She’s now writing a dissertation on Blended Learning as the last module to finish her MA in Education with NILE and the University of Chichester, UK. She’s the co-author of Engage and ECCE Result, among other coursebook series, all published by OUP, UK and is currently working with the British Council as a Materials Developer and Coordinator for Plan Ceibal and writing a series of listening books for Hong Kong with Popular World Publishing company.

Furneaux, Clare. University of Reading, UK. Academic Director for the campus-based MA Applied Linguistics and MA English Language Teaching programmes; Academic Director for the MA English Language Teaching by Distance Study; Postgraduate programmes in Applied Linguistics Board of Studies Member. Clare teaches the following modules: Core Issues in English Language Teaching, Language Curriculum Design, Language Teaching Portfolio: Classroom Practical component, The Teaching of Written Language, Teaching English to Young Learners, Teaching the Language Skills, Literacy: Social, educational and cognitive perspectives. Clare currently supervises 8 PhD students in the areas of second language writing. Clare’s EdD included an Institution Focused Study entitled
‘Undergraduates and Technology: Uses and Attitudes’, and a thesis entitled ‘Masters Level Study in a British Context: Developing Writers’. Her research interests are concerned with developing second language writing skills (especially in English for Academic Purposes contexts) and on-line/distance learning. She also supervises research in the areas of curriculum design and study skills.

García, Aurelia (APPI Member) is an English Teacher (UNLPam). Evaluation Specialist (UNLPam). Higher Diploma in Social Sciences in the field of Education and New Technologies (FLACSO). FULBRIGHT scholar DAT 2010: “The Incorporation of ICT Resources to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language using Task-Based Methodology”. Teaching assistant professor in Didactics and Educational Practice III, UNLPam. Teacher trainer “Propuesta de Formación y Desarrollo Profesional Docente en Web 2.0”.

Simón, Liliana (APIBA Member) is a teacher of English, administrator of UNLP VLEs, and a British Council E-moderator. She worked as a co-coordinator for Conectar Igualdad, BA. She develops e-material, delivers presentations and courses on Learning Technologies, Plurilingual and Intercultural Programme and ADULP/UNLP. She obtained a fellowship at Open University, UK.

Thematic Panel 2 / 'Bi/Multi/Plurilingualism, Interculturality & Technology'

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