
Intro to Metabolic Coaching: Modern Medicine, Disease, and Diet

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This lecture is a great introduction to the "Metabolic Coaching" program. It is titled "Modern Medicine, Disease (aka Morbidity), and Diet,” and it was given at the 2015 Oncology Nurses Symposium in Lubbock, Texas.

Quick Summary: Metabolic Coaching is designed to improve a client’s health by reducing the amount to refined carbohydrates, grains, and sugars in the diet. Doing this one thing addresses the root cause of many diseases - from high blood pressure, to diabetes, to overweight. And by addressing the root cause, these disease processes may be improved.

Long Summary: About 4 years ago I was over 213 pounds, and my wife was kicking me out of bed because I was snoring so loudly she couldn’t sleep. I cut the refined carbohydrates, sugars and grains out of my diet. I quickly lost 40 pounds weighing 169. And I kept it off.

In the United States, and in Lubbock, Texas, we are facing epidemics of diabetes and obesity. Over 2/3 of Americans are obese or overweight. What links diabetes and obesity? The link is a condition called “The Metabolic Syndrome” which includes: abdominal obesity, high blood glucose, high blood pressure, low HDL, and high triglycerides. Metabolic syndrome increases risk for diabetes 5 times, and cardiovascular disease 3 times. An estimated 36% - 56% of Americans have Metabolic Syndrome as of 2010.

The common link between all the components of metabolic syndrome is chronically elevated insulin levels. DIETARY CARBOHYDRATE is what elevates insulin levels and overweight in a 4 step process.

So by restricting dietary carbohydrates in the diet, we can address the root cause of the metabolic syndrome and other diseases from type 2 diabetes to high blood pressure. How do you lower insulin levels? By decreasing the amount of refined carbohydrates in the diet. It’s that simple.

“Metabolic Coaching” is designed to Improve: Weight, Blood Sugar & Diabetes Control, Blood Pressure, Inflammation, & General Health & Energy - Through Nutritional - Information, Education, & Practical Application.

The Glycemic Index published by Harvard is a good starting guide to what foods raise our blood sugar and insulin levels the most. The higher the Glycemic Index, the more a food raises blood sugar and insulin. To summarize:
- Table sugar GI 68
- Whole wheat bread, average GI 71
- Instant oatmeal, average GI 83
- Cornflakes, average GI 93
- Baked russet potato, average GI 111

So all of the foods listed will raise blood sugar higher than table sugar. But it is not all about Glycemic Index. Wheat, in particular, is inflammatory for many people. Also sugars (from table sugar to honey) are uniquely fattening because they are a combination of glucose and fructose. The glucose signals the body to store fat, while the fructose is metabolized directly into fat (triglyceride).

So the Metabolic Coaching program is to “Cut the Killer Carbs” off the food pyramid. Simply remove the breads, sugars, pastas, potatoes, and grains that are either inflammatory, or raise our blood sugar/insulin, or both. Then fill the void with the remainder of the food pyramid. More vegetables, more healthy fats, more meats, eggs, and cheeses.

Modern medicine is usually 8 minutes with a physician and only 90 seconds to talk nutrition. The Metabolic Coaching program starts with 90 minutes of nutritional information (not 90 seconds). Then clients move on to the 6 hour online seminar, written instructions, and health and weight loss meditations (to recruit the subconscious mind into making a long-term behavioral change).

The remainder of the video is case presentations of people and clients who have had health improvements on a low-carb diet, and/or wheat free diet, including: improved allergies, weight loss, improved blood pressure, improved acid reflux, improved exercise performance, improved diabetes/blood sugar control/hemoglobin A1c, improved inflammation, improved IBS/GI symptoms, and arthritis.

To address the root cause of the epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the United States today, medication alone is not enough. Americans need nutritional information, education, and practical application to reduce refined carbohydrates and sugars in the diet.

Get all the in depth information, and start the program by watching the videos 1-7 at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOgQabbly2VVTj__8Fm9Vew1jjASknzrx. Written instructions, the audio version and low-carb meditations can be found at: http://metaboliccoaching.net/free-content/.

In Lubbock? Schedule your LIVE Metabolic Coaching session online at http://MetabolicCoaching.NET.

Any health and/or lifestyle modification program should be undertaken only under the direct supervision of your doctor. Individual results may vary.

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