
Does software testing need to be this way? ByJulian Harty (@julianharty) At Agile India 2017

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Software development teams recognise testing is relevant and important. Testers want to add value and do purposeful and meaningful work, however software automation is encroaching and in some cases obviating much of the hand-crafted tests - including some of the 'automated tests' created by teams. As Nicholas Carr says in his book The Glass Cage: "Who needs humans anyway?"

And yet, humans - people - have much to contribute to crafting excellent software, including testing the software. This presentation investigates:

leading automation techniques to understand more of what they can offer us in terms of testing our software.
how structured testing techniques can help all testers including "exploratory testers"
where analytics can help
tools, approaches and techniques to help test more effectively

More details: https://confengine.com/agile-india-2017/proposal/3555/does-software-testing-need-to-be-this-way-tools-approaches-and-techniques-to-test-more-effectively

Conference details: http://2017.agileindia.org/

Does software testing need to be this way? ByJulian Harty (@julianharty) At Agile India 2017

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