
Measuring impact and assessing performance: tools for business decisions - Webinar

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This webinar was presented on 4 August 2020 by the Threatened Species Recovery Hub of the Australian Government's National Environmental Science Program.

Biodiversity science provides evidence to protect, improve, and restore species and ecosystems, and to reduce the risk of impacting on natural systems and the benefits they deliver for our communities. Environmental decision frameworks, forecasting tools and reporting measures can support businesses to evaluate and mitigate impact across their value chain, make better and lower risk decisions and assess performance against ESG goals.

Martine Maron (University of Queensland and Threatened Species Recovery Hub)
Dr Jeremy Simmonds (University of Queensland’s Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science)
Guy Dutson (Senior Principal Consultant, The Biodiversity Consultancy)
Natasha Cadenhead (PhD Candidate, The University of Queensland)

Radha Kuppalli (Managing Director - Investor Services, New Forests)
Cissy Gore-Birch (Chair, TSR Hub Indigenous Reference Group and National Aboriginal Engagement Manager, Bush Heritage Australia)
David Francis (Senior Principal Ecologist, Cardno)
Prue Addison (Conservation Strategy Director, Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Wildlife Trust)

Brendan Wintle (Director, Threatened Species Recovery Hub)

This webinar is a collaboration between the National Environmental Science Program's Threatened Species Recovery Hub, the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub, and the Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia

- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Risk For Business https://youtu.be/hJZYjnN3Pz4
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