
Military Healthcare - 1. Indian Army, Navy, Air Force Medical Services

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Military Healthcare is a unique virtual event for military practitioners, professionals, researchers, hospital management, medical equipment & hospital supplies, dealers and distributors to discuss, interact, learn, imbibe and survey developments - all from the comfort of their offices and homes.
By covering a wide array of topics, from maintaining a medically ready and medically prepared force, accessibility to healthcare for efficient and effective treatment, advancing telehealth and telemedicine technologies and taking a closer look into the medical supply chain, we can ensure that the needs of the military healthcare community are met.
Delegates learnt about the latest simulation and modelling to enhance military medicine skill sets. Industry delegates will learn about Military Healthcare System contracting and acquisition procedures and upcoming priorities. Wirth Covid around emphasis was also on cost cutting efficiencies, groundbreaking and lifesaving innovation by utilizing Virtual Health and connected medicine. Delegates heard updates from senior leaders on the way ahead for the military healthcare system, advances in medical education and training.
Video produced by Indian Military Review www.imrmedia.in
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