
10/20/Life part 10 -- weak point index (how to pick your assistance work)

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How do you decide your assistance work? Brian tells you how in this video - hint - it should attack your weaknesses, not cater to your strengths.

Watch part 9: Warm-up Index: https://youtu.be/WMuHHISmguQ

Watch part 8: Deload: https://youtu.be/aQ1XC_UnoMs

Watch Part 7: Bluff and Buff: https://youtu.be/GzB9pGQs5n4

Watch part 6: https://youtu.be/8IlSO02Cgc8

Watch part 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8I84qSGg14

Watch part 4: https://youtu.be/DcpU-LLhzzo

Watch part 3 here: https://youtu.be/WZZG-xM-Enw

Watch part 2 here: https://youtu.be/TkjIzLPHJRA

Watch part 1 here: https://youtu.be/IAl7aiJy_68

To purchase the book 10/20/Life, use code PRSfriends for 25% off: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/collections/books/products/10-20-life-second-edition

New Content every Monday and Friday 1 pm est - with NEW Livestream RANTS, Q&A's and more at 1 pm EST EVERY WED.

A competitive powerlifter since 1999, Brian Carroll is one of the most accomplished lifters in the sport's history. Having lifted at the elite world-class level since 2005, Brian has well over a decade of world-class lifting experience. He has totaled more than ten times his body weight in three different classes, and both bench pressed and deadlifted over 800 pounds in two different classes. In his career, he’s totaled 2500 over 20 times in 2 different weight classes. Most recently (10.3.20) -Brian set the highest squat of all-time (regardless of weight class) with 1306lbs – being the first man to break the 1300lb squat barrier at a body-weight of 303lbs. Brian is now retired from competition.

Brian Carroll's Website: https://www.powerrackstrength.com/Back Pained and want to return to lifting? Or need some guidance?

Schedule a consult with Brian: https://www.powerrackstrength.com/consult-brian-carroll/

Brian's Gift of Injury Co-authored Book with Dr. McGill: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/collections/books/products/gift-of-injury

Dr. McGill's assessment book: Back mechanic: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/products/back-mechanic-by-dr-stuart-mcgill

Brian's 10/20/Life Strength training Manual: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/collections/books/products/10-20-life-second-edition

Ultimate back fitness and performance: https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/products/ultimate-back-fitness-and-performance-by-dr-suart-mcgill-6th-edition

From Back Pained, to starting powerlifting while staying pain-free


(AVOID THIS) I made the very same mistake many of you are making concerning your back injury

Brian Carroll's mental approach squatting 1300lbs (post back injury)

From ripping back pain to ripping 600 for a triple with video (all-time PR)

PRIME YOUR BENCH the 10/20/Life way: Cervical and Thoracic Warmup (with Lock's shoulder big 3)

Brian Carroll: What is 10/20/Life?

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My thoughts on PRP, Stem Cells, and Discseels for back pain

LIVE: Brian Carroll talking about his training, back pain and injury progressions

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The discipline I used to restore my body sufficiently

HELPFUL TIP to help ease your Back Pain

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10/20/Life for Conjugate?

Brian Carroll: BIG McGill Method Misconception

Who is Brian Carroll?

Why changing your lifting form/technique can make you WEAKER

Brian Carroll virtual coaching: Back pain, powerlifting coaching, working general public etc.

My last squat...

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FAQ: "Brian, how long did you have to take off from lifting when you worked with Dr. McGill?"

Brian Carroll 10/20/Life | week 6 | day 1 | outside floor press

Thoughts on the McGill method

Rebuilding the foundation (training with injury) - how long does it take?

Part1: Brian Carroll coaching the squat walk-out - the same sequence every time

10/20/Life Part 12: outlining your precontest phase of training

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