
Democrats trying to copy Trump, but it won’t work: Kennedy

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FBN’s Kennedy on the Democratic Party’s strategy heading towards the 2020 presidential election.

Kennedy on midterms: Democrats are banking on anger

Health care issue could hurt Republicans during midterms: Kennedy

Kennedy: Democrats will need a ‘Nancy-free speaker list’ to beat Trump

Paul Ryan won’t be missed by the swamp: Kennedy

Trump’s economic success will help him with voters: Kennedy

Democrats are confident they can take on Trump in 2020: Kennedy

Democrats need a positive, practical message to take back power: Kennedy

There is no objectivity left in Washington: Kennedy

Can the GOP push out a win in Pennsylvania?

Nancy Pelosi’s days in Congress may be numbered: Kennedy

Nancy Pelosi is an elitist statist: Kennedy

Franken delivered a creep insurance policy in resignation: Kennedy

FBI’s Strzok and Page hold the key to more than each other's unrequited hearts: Kennedy

Democrats have a fantastic shot at winning back the House: Kennedy

Can Democrats take back the House?

Democrats trying to copy Trump, but it won’t work: Kennedy

Midterm elections: Will Republicans pick up seats in the Senate?

Democrats are resorting to cheap tricks to win midterms: Kennedy

Kamala Harris’ candidacy will go down in flames if opponents dig into her past: Kennedy

Will Republicans lose the House?

Should Democrats focus on health care during the midterms?

Facebook is not a monopoly: Kennedy

Pelosi tried to minimize groping allegations against Conyers: Kennedy

Lawmakers gave unprecedented power to government agencies: Kennedy

How Nancy Pelosi helped Conor Lamb win Pennsylvania special election

FISA application could be revealed thanks to both parties: Kennedy

California candidate promises direct democracy approach if elected

Will Democrats focus on impeaching Trump after winning back the House?

Mueller and his team are in the tank against Trump: Kennedy

Trump should hammer out a better vetting system: Kennedy

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