
Interview with yoga master, Tomoko Mori

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Tomoko Mori is a yoga teacher with over 30 years experience. She was a personal student of the now deceased Japanese Yoga Master Masahiro Oki and she teaches in his style – Oki-do yoga.

In this interview, Zenways yoga teacher Yulia Solf asks Tomoko a number of questions about her practice and teaching, and some advice for teachers as they develop, including:
1. As a very experienced teacher over many years, how do you keep your classes fresh and avoid them getting stale?
2. How do you prepare for your classes and workshops?
3. A lot of yoga teachers worry about their bodies getting older and not so able as before. How have you coped with this?
4. I heard about your training full-time in Oki-sensei's yoga dojo. Not many of us have an opportunity like this. What was the daily schedule? And could you have time off?
5. Do you have any recommendations for books, DVD's or other materials that you've found useful or inspiring?
6. Do you vary your teaching in line with the seasons?
7. When you look back to yourself as a new yoga teacher, from your present perspective, what advice would you give to that person?
8. How have you seen yoga change over the time you've been teaching? How do you see things continuing to change?
9. How have you found the best way to relate to your students? Do you let them become friends? Do you keep a professional distance? What works best?
10. What are you particularly enjoying in your yoga practice and teaching right now?

Zenways (www.zenways.org) promotes and encourages activities and practices that enhance human wellbeing, balance and awakening (satori or kensho - the enlightenment of Zen) in the many different situations we find ourselves in. Over many years of strict training, in Japan and the west, Julian Daizan Skinner Roshi received dharma transmission and permission to teach in both the Rinzai and Soto lineages of Zen. He now teaches at the Yugagyo Dojo in London, UK. May these recordings help you and those around you to find and realise the truth.

Interview with yoga master, Tomoko Mori

What is zen yoga?

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