
Top 10 happiest countries in the world

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The UN just ranked countries by their happiness levels, based on income, freedom, trust, healthy life expectancy, social support and generosity

New Top 10 happiest countries in the world

The UN just ranked countries by their happiness levels, based on

healthy life expectancy,
social support and generosity

10 Australia
Australian society is multicultural, young and open-minded. The average age is 37.

9 Sweden
The home of IKEA, where alcohol is pricy, but universities are tuition-free

8 New Zealand
Famous for the All Blacks, kiwis and its breathtaking nature

7 Canada
The world's second largest country scores high ratings for education, health care and public safety. And Icehockey.

6 Netherlands
In this bicycle loving country, prisons are being closed as crime rates drop and policies are increasingly focused on rehabilitation.

5 Switzerland
Amazing mountains, universal healthcare and home to the best chocolate in the world

4 Iceland
The best country in the world for gender equality and ridiculously strong men (the mountain, GOT)

3 Denmark
Besides great social security, universal healthcare, and a universal pension, they also have… Legoland

In Norway, parents are entitled to 46 weeks at full salary. Its homicide, incarceration, and gun violence rates are among the lowest in the world.
Its midnight sun is stunning.

1. Finland
The 3rd most wealthiest country is also the world's safest country
With The best primary education is the best in the world.
And great saunas

In case you are wondering where the USA is on the list…
It dropped from #14 in 2017 to #18 in this year.

It turns out that some of the highest-taxed nations in the world
Are also the happiest

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well-being matters more than wealth



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Top 10 happiest countries in the world

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