
Financial Modeling Fundamentals - Financial Statements

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In the Modano Financial Modelling Fundamentals course we will teach you how to build an integrated 3-way financial model of any business from scratch, using Apple Inc. ('Apple') as an example.

A 3-way (or three statement) financial model is a financial model containing an income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, which are linked together so they remain correct and consistent when assumptions are changed. This is why it is referred to as an integrated 3-way model.

The principles taught in this exercise apply to any financial model, regardless of complexity, and are therefore referred to as financial modeling fundamentals.

This exercise assumes that you have a basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel such that you are comfortable navigating between sheets, entering text, and writing formulas using basic functions such as the IF and SUM functions.

This exercise requires that you have access to the desktop version of Microsoft Excel. It does not require that you have the Modano Excel add-in installed or any other software.

Files & instructions: https://www.financialmodelingfundamentals.com/

0:00 Overview
3:41 Opening Balance Sheet
13:27 Income Statement
19:50 Cash Flow Statement
32:18 Balance Sheet

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