
Narcissists and Financial Abuse, Part 2

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Shannon Thomas continues her discussion with Dr. Les Carter about ways narcissists sabotage relationships via financial abuse. She places great emphasis on reclaiming responsibility for your well being.

Shannon Thomas is a best selling author who has a counseling practice in Southlake, Tx. Dr. Les Carter is a psychotherapist in practice in the Dallas, Tx area. He has published several books and has conducted over 60,000 counseling sessions.

Shannon's books: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_25?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=healing+from+hidden+abuse+shannon+thomas&sprefix=healing+from+hidden+abuse%2Caps%2C2073&crid=2KSHYYA65DDGA

Dr. Carter's books: https://store.bookbaby.com//bookshop/book/index.aspx?bookURL=When-Pleasing-You-Is-Killing-Me

Narcissists and Financial Abuse, Part 2

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