
Your Brain – On Diets

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Scott Moseman 
The Medical Director of the Laureate Eating Disorders Program in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Learning through the Laureate Institute for Brain Research that we professionals are working with brains that constantly need to be rewarded.   

Listen in for the discussion between Dr. Voss and Dr. Moseman about how they define recovery,  including setting weight goals.  What is the brain’s definition of recovery?  

How does communication happen between the brain and the gut? GI-based anxiety for kids affects the ability to eat and grow to potential. “Who wants to eat when their stomach hurts”?  

And you’re hearing it again about the trabecular bone scan to help inform our assessments of bone health (see Dr. Mehler’s episodes). 

Finally, learn by being with people, get a group that meets regularly – journal club, peer case consultation.  "Clinical supervision is hugely more important than reading books." 

Learn more about the life change happening at Laureate at SaintFrancis.com/Laureate. 


Scott Moseman is the Medical Director of the Laureate Eating Disorders Program in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Dr. Moseman is a board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist who received his fellowship training at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he served as chief fellow. He received his medical training from Texas A&M Health Science Center and completed his adult psychiatric training at the University of Arizona. He serves as the medical director and attending physician of the adolescent eating disorders program at Laureate. He is a certified eating disorders specialist supervisor. 

 Dr. Moseman is also an active research investigator, currently collaborating with Dr. Sahib Khalsa at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research to study neural circuits associated with eating disorders, nutrition, and body image using the facility's state-of-the-art fMRI and float clinic. 

Dr. Moseman is a strong advocate for families of eating disorders patients and has served on the board for the Oklahoma Eating Disorders Association, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and as co-chair of the Academy for Eating Disorders special interest group on child and adolescent eating disorders. 

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