
This Smart Skincare Gadget Is Even Cooler in Person | CES 2020 | Gizmodo

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Sometimes things sound good on paper but don’t live up your expectations. When I wrote up the L’Oreal announcement for its upcoming skincare personalization gadget Perso, I was stoked and a little nervous that seeing it up close and personal would be a disappointment. After all, that’s generally how things go at events like CES. But this time, I was pleasantly surprised.

The whole idea behind the Perso is personalization. Using a blend of augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and environmental data like weather and UV index, the device mixes the exact amount of product you need from three NFC-enabled cartridges stored inside. For the demo, I sat down with Guive Balooch, who heads up L’Oreal’s Technology Incubator. Balooch then showed me the Perso companion app. In it, I could see what the UV index for the day was—2, not terribly high but also not something to be ignored—as well as other factors, such as humidity and pollution. Then, with a push of a button, three globs of varying products like serum, antioxidant, and moisturizer magically appeared at the top of the device. Even at a glance, you could see it wasn’t the same amount of each. Also, Balooch explained that if you were to take the Perso on your travels, it should be able to account for different climates. For example, because Las Vegas is so dry compared to New York City, there was more moisturizer in my mix. Likewise, because pollution in Vegas isn’t as bad, there were fewer antioxidants.

-Victoria Song

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This Smart Skincare Gadget Is Even Cooler in Person | CES 2020 | Gizmodo

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