
Hannah’s Pick - My Body Is Not The Problem [repost]

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Chelsey Levy, RDN, CDN
Like so many of us, Chelsea came into the field of nutrition to manage body size.
Why Chelsea says is it unethical to pursue weight loss.
What do you do when someone wants to lose weight using Intuitive Eating?
Weight suppression in larger body often goes unrecognized
Chelsea’s Seasonings:
Supervision for Intuitive Eating Counselor Certification
Unlearning rules and rigidity and get connected to body, and  with eating disorder, this may not be accessible
Health Sheets
You’re never going to get it right – we are always evolving
Chelsea Levy (she/her) is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and registered dietitian nutritionist. She earned her Master of Science degree from Hunter College, and completed her dietetic internship at the City of New York (CUNY) School of Public Health in New York City.Chelsea is committed to utilizing Health at Every Size® (HAES®) principles in her approach to nutrition therapy. She works with individuals struggling with disordered eating and eating disorders, with a focus on weight-inclusive medical nutrition therapy, body image healing, and Intuitive Eating. Chelsea also has special interests in treating individuals with diabetes , and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) along with folks, who are in larger-bodies, and those who are identify as transgender or non-binary. She believes it is vital to provide care relevant to an individual’s culture, ethnicity, and overall identities. Chelsea hosts a collaborative space for the exploration of food and body healing through creativity and compassion. Chelsea is a member of the International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD), the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP), the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH), the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND), and the HAES® Registry. Before her focus in nutrition science, Chelsea worked in art production and has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in pPhotography from the School of Visual Arts in New York City.In her spare time, Chelsea enjoys live music, practicing yoga, and meditation.
IG - @chelsealevynutrition

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What is Great Plains IDEA?
With your host Beth Harrell 
IG  @beth.harrell.cedss  
Supervision Freebies

I Did All The Things, And I Still Have A Chronic Disease

Virtual Best Practices For Eating Disorders

Clean Eating and Orthorexia – What’s an RD to Do?

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Can’t Just Webinar All The Time

Body Image, Lunch and Parole

Hannah’s Pick - My Body Is Not The Problem [repost]

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Cake and Tears at 3 O’Clock

Ask One More Question

THAT Will Happen

Abdominal Wall Dysfunction is Everything

Parents Are Not The Problem – (Even if they think they are)

Doing This Together - Bite for Bite

Your Brain – On Diets

Dear Doc, You Have Permission to Not Advise Weight Loss (Medical Series)

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I Want To Get Better And I Don’t- (Then Exhale)

Are We Going to Weigh Today? (Medical Series)

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Psychology of Sport and Metabolic Injury

Your Body Is The Least Interesting Thing About You

How To Raise Kids With Food and Body Confidence

There Are No Mistakes, Only Opportunities

Our Nervous System is a Resource

Having The Goal-Weight Conversation

CGMs and Weight Loss Shots – From Diabetes Care to Pop Culture

Be Real - Body Confident Schools [Prevention Series #1]

“You Won’t Need To Know Eating Disorders” – And Other Myths Learned During Formal Education

Staying Openhearted To Your Own Learning

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