
Chancellor Philip Hammond's Interview on Ridge on Sunday

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"I'm not sure that there's a majority in Parliament in support of a second referendum, but it's a perfectly coherent proposition... it deserves to be considered..."

Chancellor Philip Hammond won't rule out a second EU referendum

Chancellor Philip Hammond's pre-Brexit budget: What can we expect?

McDonnell warns against no deal Brexiteer Prime Minister

Rees-Mogg: 'No deal' spending plans should be announced now

Former Chancellor Philip Hammond discusses Brexit with Sophie Ridge

Shadow Chancellor accuses Hammond of 'callous complacency'

Corbyn says Labour is likely to back public vote amendment

'Businesses just want to know what to do'

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell discusses Brexit with Sophy Ridge

TUC boss: 'Hammond given mission impossible by the PM'

Hammond: "It's a time for cool heads and grown-up government"

'I'd vote remain in a second referendum'

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell on Sky's Ridge on Sunday

Can Theresa May win the support of middle England?

Brexit Select Committee Chair Hilary Benn's Interview on Sky's Ridge on Sunday

Damian Green says Tories need 'intelligent approach' on Brexit

Police 'need to be prepared for no deal'

Labour: "We're not going to countenance an election until no-deal is off the table"

Hammond Says UK Should Consider Second Brexit Referendum!

Housing Minister Rishi Sunak discusses Boris Johnson's Brexit policy on Sophy Ridge on Sunday

Boris Johnson 'was not a good PM and we should move on' says former chancellor

PM admits 'insufficient support' for third vote

Sophy Ridge on Sunday

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn discusses Brexit with Sophy Ridge

George Freeman on why Brexit was a 'vote for change' in his rural area

Former Universities Minister Sam Gyimah MP on Sky's Ridge on Sunday

Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay's Interview on Sophy Ridge on Sunday

Robert Halfon MP discusses the PM's deal on Ridge on Sunday

Iain Duncan Smith: You can't rule out no-deal and Article 50 should not be extended

Former minister Sam Gyimah on Sky's Sophy Ridge on Sunday

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