
Can't Lose Weight or Get Energy Back After 50? | Obstacle #3

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https://www.flippingfifty.com/hnb-challenge for more support with exercise and hormone balance for women pre-or post menopause.

Energy & Weight Loss block 3:

Believing You are Doing Something Wrong
If you believe you’re not doing enough, you believe that you’re doing it wrong. You justify this by telling yourself other people have what it takes but you don’t have what it takes. You may tell yourself, I don’t really care, even though you do care. You say things to me like, “I’m not your ideal customer.”
You say things like:

I’m not disciplined enough
I’m too old
My genetics are bad
I’m Greek or Italian or ___________
I’ve always been a terrible sleeper

You’re following the Eat Less Exercise More DOGMA that has existed for decades. Doctors, gym owners, even trainers still say it today.

That’s what’s wrong.

For midlife women, exercise less yet more effectively is the key. There is a very small percent of research focused ONLY on women in perimenopause and post menopause. So there’s a good chance you’ve just been gambling, with really bad odds if you’re following blinding some big group fitness class, or a bootcamp with all ages and genders in it. If it’s not based on science of you, it’s more likely to cause exhaustion, injury, and more hormone imbalance than it is the results you want.

Exercise: Write a new exercise plan.
Here’s what you do: when you notice you’ve been exercising (and eating right) and you’re not getting any better results you write down exactly what you have been doing. Put it on a calendar so you can see the spread.

Then you go about changing it. The first place to start is taking a week to do a reset. Do far less exercise than you’re used to, perhaps than you're comfortable with. Pay attention to that. You may need to find some other ways to relax.

If this resonated with you and you want more help understanding the hormones tied to exercise so you can exercise for better balance and get the energy and optimal weight and sleep you need then I’ve got something you’re going to love.

The Hot, Not Bothered 10 Day Challenge is something until now I’ve only shared with VIP audiences and I’m opening it up to you. It’s regularly $97, and I’m making it $49.
But that’s not all…
I’m giving you back your $49 if you successfully do every day and report it in our FB group. You see I want you to DO it. You’ll be able to use that $49 toward your next step at Flipping 50. Our team and I will be watching each day’s activity to be sure you’re posting 1x at every single day on the thread.
But that’s not all…
I’m giving you two extra bonuses:
#1 a breakthrough call with me so we can decide, what is the next step that makes sense for you.
#2 a You Still Got It, Girl! 10-recipe book to help with your exercise nutrition and suggestions on how to implement those recipes for your own lifestyle preferences


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