
Dr. Peter Beter Audio Letter 21: National Security; Pre War; End of Era - February 27, 1977

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Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 21 - February 27, 1977
Text: http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal21.html
MP3: http://archive.org/download/DrPeterBeter_AudioVideoLetters/drpeterbetter_audioletter_21.mp3
(1) How our national security was really lost
(2) Pre-war America: 1977
(3) The end of an era

" Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is February 27,
1977, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 21.
For some time now I have been warning you of the dangers
facing America. Now, time is fast running out. When Jimmy
Carter was inaugurated President on January 20, 1977, a
contingency plan concocted in 1963 was set in motion, and it is
progressing very rapidly. The key to this particular plan was to
be the placement of a completely puppetized president in office
at a time of rapidly-mounting war threats. Under this plan,
inadequate performance by the puppet presidents in the face of
these dire threats is intended to enable a take-over of the
country by Rockefeller-controlled military and CIA inner circles.
In this manner the total dictatorship sought by the four
Rockefeller Brothers is to be brought into being.

We are now faced with the planned threat of NUCLEAR WAR ONE
with the puppet president now on the scene in the person of Jimmy
Carter. Carter continually spouts the Rockefeller line as he
learned it from his participation in their TRILATERAL COMMISSION,
but he has no real grasp at all of what he is involved in.

Meanwhile, the CIA is also being readied for its appointed
role. Nelson Rockefeller has been busy packing key positions in
the CIA with his "new men"; and to facilitate the enlistment of
required military support for the coming Dictatorship, a military
man who is a member of the Rockefeller inner circle, Admiral
Stansfield Turner, has been selected to head the CIA. That's why
the earlier nomination of Ted Sorenson ran into a brick wall--he
ran afoul of a game plan he didn't even know about.

The plan calls for pre-war crisis measures to be used to
condition Americans to accept the elaborate transformation of
America into a total dictatorship, and this pre-war build-up is
going on right now. Ultimately many millions of Americans are to
be annihilated in a Soviet nuclear attack, which is to be carried
out according to rules laid down in secret agreements negotiated
by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

As I revealed in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 12 for May 1976,
this joint Rockefeller-Soviet war plan includes a super-secret
"NUCLEAR SAFE ZONE" across the upper portion of the continental
United States within which the Rockefellers and their intimates
plan to ride out the war on Mount Desert and Bartlett Islands off
the coast of Maine, right in the heart of the Nuclear Safe Zone.
This Nuclear Safe Zone is merely the nuclear-age equivalent of
the orders which were given to Allied Bombing Commands during
World War II not to damage Rockefeller-owned strategic targets in
Germany. These orders caused such huge important installations
as the I. G. Farben Chemical plants to survive unscathed all the
way through World War II, while other targets and even whole
cities nearby were completely leveled. [...]"

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