
Top 10 Foods That Melt Stubborn Belly Fat - Tips To Burn Belly Fat

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Top 10 Foods That Melt Stubborn Belly Fat - Tips To Burn Belly Fat

Belly fat may be one of the most annoying and tough things to get rid of. The fat accumulates in the abdomen earliest than other parts and hangs over there for an extended period. Belly fat, also called visceral fat is a major risk factor for chronic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health conditions. You might be wondering about different foods that help you burn calories. Here is a list of top foods readily available in the market that melts stubborn belly fat instantly.

1. Soluble fiber-rich foods:
Several experiments prove that eating fiber-rich food comes with many health perks, most importantly, melting belly fat. Soluble fiber-rich foods include whole grains, apples, oats, Brussels sprouts, berries, beans, and legumes. It curbs your hunger, making you eat lesser and ultimately melting belly fat. The benefits include better weight control, improved digestive health, and lower bad cholesterol levels. Pair a nutritious fiber-containing diet with an exercise regimen to get the desired results within days.
2. Leafy greens:
While talking about melting belly fat leafy greens are at the top of the list. These are high in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, hence are great for your diet. The list of foods comprises collard/mustard greens, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, etc.
3. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal single-handedly can't flatten your stomach but paves a way to burn belly fat fast. It is fairly low in sugar and offers a considerably high ratio of fiber and protein. These constituents are the perfect combo for a belly blaster. Make sure you add only a dash of cinnamon and fresh fruits while avoiding sugar or butter to prevent weight gain.
4. Nuts:
Munching on a handful of tasty and crunchy nuts can help with melting belly fat quickly. Adding these to your diet provides a major source of wholesome vitamins and fiber that aid in weight loss. The list of belly fat-melting nuts includes almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and cashews.
5. Garlic:
Garlic is an inexpensive herb used in many Asian cuisines. Besides adding flavor, it works wonders for your waist. It directly influences the stored fat around your belly along with anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Crushed garlic, if chewed properly, reduces triglyceride, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
6. Quinoa:
Quinoa is known to be a whole grain, incorporating all-in-one B vitamins, complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. Its regular consumption assists in speeding up your metabolism and melting belly fat faster. It is loaded with all amino acids essential for tissue growth and repair.
7. Chilies:
Green chilies speed up metabolism right after three hours of consumption. Some studies reveal that chili peppers comprise capsaicin which help boosts abdominal fat loss.
8. Eggs:
Several types of research hold that people who eat eggs tend to lose weight quickly. It increases feelings of fullness, averting you from snacking on empty calories between meals and boosting metabolic activity. These are a great source of protein and healthy fats in eggs that satiate you for a longer time.
9. Avocados:
The healthy mono-saturated fats in avocados avert spikes in blood sugar and spoil belly fat. According to a study, people who eat avocados every day have higher absorption of cancer-fighting compounds- carotenoids.
10. Green tea:
Green tea contains antioxidants and plant compounds that help accelerate fat-burning and weight loss. Dieticians recommend drinking 3-4 cups of green tea daily to boost your metabolism and melt belly fat. Adding one inch of ginger while boiling water maximizes the results. You can add a few drops of lemon juice according to your taste to increase its effectiveness.


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