
Taylor Swift & the Modern Myth of Perfection

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The Jewish newspaper The Forward recently published an article comparing the supposed amnesia fans experienced after attending a Taylor Swift concert to the amnesia the Nation of Israel experienced after receiving the Torah at Sinai. Tune in and learn how this week's parsha warns us of overly idolizing any human being and how we can take the story of the prophetess Miriam to enrich our own lives. Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, June 9
7:00 PM Sunset Musical Friday Night Lights with MJE, Yoel Sadian and Chazzan Yair
8:08 PM Shabbat Candle Lighting
Torah Talk By Yair “Time Zones, And Date Lines: Fascination By Flying”
Followed By Special Summer BBQ Kiddush

Saturday, June 10
9:30 AM Shacharit/Morning Services with MJE
Sermon by Yair “When Are There Second Chances?”
10:30 AM Cafe Connect With Sam Englander
Kiddush Following Services
7:45 PM With the Jewish Center: Mincha/Afternoon Service on 3rd floor. Followed by Shaleshudut/3rd meal on 1st floor
Concluding with Maariv/Evening service back on 3rd floor
9:09 PM Shabbat concludes
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