
Islamic literature | Wikipedia audio article

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00:00:49 1 Literature
00:04:54 1.1 Medieval iadab/i works
00:06:31 2 See also

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Speaking Rate: 0.9508767531596165
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-E

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates

Islamic literature is literature written with an Islamic perspective, in any language.

One term for this is adab. Although today adab denotes literature generally, in earlier times its meaning included all that a well-informed person had to know in order to pass in society as a cultured and refined individual. This meaning started with the basic idea that adab was the socially accepted ethical and moral quality of an urbane and courteous person'; thus adab can also denote the category of Islamic law dealing with etiquette, or a gesture of greeting. More recently, studies have been done on the novelization of contemporary Islamic literatures and points of confluency with political themes such as nationalism.

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