
FACTCHECK:Sugar Causes Diabetes?+Robert Lustig Bitter Truth? Fructose?-LowCarb,Crossft,Paleo Diet?

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FACT-CHECK: Does sugar causes Diabetes? NO. Do Carbs cause Diabetes? NO. It's FAT. Is Robert Lustig debunked? YES. Were flaws found in Robert Lustig's books? YES. Did Lustig get many facts wrong? YES. Was Robert Lustig's work based on correct science? NO. Did Lustig claim sugar is poison? YES. Did studies ever confirm his idea that sugar is Poisonous to humans? NO. Did Robert Lustig say Beer is composed of Fat? YES. Is it true? NO. Did Fructose turn out to cause Fatty-Liver-Disease? NO. Was Fructose found Toxic? NO. Is Robert Lustig right and it's all just a big conspiracy by the sugar industry/government/establishment to cover-up the real truth? NO. Did Robert Lustig say there is NO foodstuff on the planet that contains both fat and carbs at the same time? YES. Is that true? NO. Did Robert Lustig say a K-Ration had 12-thousand calories? YES. Was it correct? NO. Did Robert Lustig say Ancel Keys was wrong? YES. Was Ancel Keys found wrong? NO. Is Robert Lustig's Sugar: The Bitter Truth youtube video correct NO. A little? NO. - Robert Lustig's work, including the Stanford UCSF Study of countries and sugar with Sanjay Basu, was found flawed. Were Lustig's claims found based on facts or selling things? Selling diet-books (Fat Chance). Has Dr. Robert Lustig now ironically become fat and overweight himself following his own diet in his own books ? YES. Should I or my friends believe Robert Lustig? NO.

What causes diabetes then? The answer is: Eating Fat and being Fat. Ingesting Saturated Fat, such as the kind found in Meat, and also becoming Fat despite what you eat, is what leads to Diabetes. This leads to an Intra-Muscular fat called Intra-Myocellular Tri-Glycerides ( IMTG's ) which is like the marbling of fat in the muscle of a steak, except it is inside your muscles. This can also occur in athletes who eat a lot of meat, such as in the paleo diet or crossfit, not just the obese. These IMTG's can convert into metabolites called Ceramides and Diacylglycerols, which then harm the pancreas, and can lead to "insulin resistance" and Type II Diabetes.

Type 2, Sucrose, Glucose, Carbohydrates, Vegan, Vegetarian, Lowcarb, Low-carb, Paleo, Caveman, grass-fed beef, unprocessed, paleolithic, ancestral health, symposium, lchf, hflc, hclf, high-fat, fruit juices, high fructose corn syrup, triglycerides, type II, family history, treat, treatment, obesity, fats, omega3, dha, Sugar the Bitter Truth, book, author, amazon, BBC the men who made us fat, is fructose bad, sugar does not cause diabetes, processed food, calories, Gary Taubes, Why He Got Fat, Why we get fat, Big fat lie, New York Times Best-Seller, Atkins diet, best diet for diabetes, glycemic index, lowest glycemic index foods, sugar is toxic, adult onset, insulin, pancreatic, pasture-raised, organic, glucose uptake, beta cells, RH, Robert H. Lustig, M.D., neuroendocrinology, professor, clinical pediatrics, benioff childrens hospital, endocrinologist, The Institute for Responsible Nutrition, obesity task force, Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California, Anthony Colpo, cholesterol, denialism, type 1, inessential, nonessential, non-essential, eating sugar, weight loss, lose weight, myths, factcheck, childhood obesity, flawed, failed, celiac disease, does eating too much sugar cause diabetes, is sugar linked to diabetes, leptin, ghrelin, ketosis, keto-acidosis, DASH diet, high glycemic load, lactose, ribose, galactose, dextrose, milk sugar, maltose, deoxyribose, DNA, satiety, LDL, HDL, apo-b, apolipoprotein-b, metabolic syndrome, monosaccharide, disaccharide, dietary fiber, leaky-gut syndrome, lectins, anti-nutrients, phytates, The fallacies of fat, john sievenpiper, consumption, experts, primitive-nutrition, plantpositive, peer-reviewed, pubmed, scholar, ncbi, pubmed, journal, american diatetes association, JAMA, diabetes care, St. Michaels hospital, quacks, john durant, livinlavidalowcarb, llvlc, jimmy moore, authority-nutrition, kris gunnars, joseph mercola, NPR, PBS, sally fallon, weston a price foundation, mark sisson, robb wolf, loren cordain, greg glassman, william davis, wheat-belly, david perlmutter, grain-brain, Denise Minger, Death by Food Pyramid, John Yudkin Pure White and Deadly, Yoffe, Mark Hyman, juicing, juicers, corn syrup, "a calorie is NOT a calorie", a calorie is a calorie, addictive, Cut the sugar, 60 minutes, sweeteners, aspartame, sugar-free, fructose in fruits, alcohol, isoglucose, insulin, low or high blood sugar, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, Nancy Hills, Sugar to Population, Econometric Analysis, Paula Yoffe, symptoms, desserts, sugar is killing us, regulates as toxin, soft drinks, Beating the odds against sugar, McGovern, The Real Truth About, cookbook Bestseller, v=dBnniua6-oM , Hardcover, Hudson Street Press Phone 415-502-8672 Email rlustig@peds.ucsf.edu ISBN-10: 9781594631009 ISBN-13: 978-1594631009 ASIN: 159463100X Paperback Publisher Plume Reprint edition 0142180432 978-0142180433

FACTCHECK:Sugar Causes Diabetes?+Robert Lustig Bitter Truth? Fructose?-LowCarb,Crossft,Paleo Diet?

FACT-CHECK: Do Sugar & Carbs cause Diabetes? Answer is: NO

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