
HEMA Longsword Guards - Achille Marozzo (1536)

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Achille Marozzo, a 16th century italian fencing master, dedicated one of his five books on the Longsword (Spada da due Mane to be precise). It starts out with his three Assalti (solo-drills with some context - so you can practice with a partner). What follows is the description on guards and how to use them. Unfortunately he didn't describe & show us all the positions in detail. That, and the sheer number of them can be a bit overwhelming. So here is a short overview on all of his used guards with two perspectives - front & side.

If you are just starting out, I'd recommend you begin with his chapters on the guards & tactical advice and only after that learn his Assalti. ;)

00:05 Porta di ferro larga/alta/stretta
00:19 Guardia di fianche
00:25 Cinghiara porta di ferro larga/alta/stretta
00:40 Coda longa e distresa/larga/alta/stretta
01:05 Guardia de testa
01:10 Guardia de facia
01:15 Guardia de intrare (non) in largo passo
01:25 Guardia di croce
01:30 Guardia de becca cesa
01:35 Guardia de becca possa
01:40 Guardia de consentire
01:45 Guardia de spalla
01:55 Guardia alta
02:00 Guardia de gombito
02:05 Guardia de piede

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Music Provided: Mediacharger - https://www.youtube.com/user/MediaCharger
Music Created By: Random Mind
Song Title: The Old Tower Inn
Credit link: https://goo.gl/cN3oi3
Creative Commons: Attribution
Music Provided: Internet Archive - https://archive.org/
Music by:Klaus Walter, Michel Walter, Eleanor Slone, Gerald Sonneck, Ernst Koelz, Alfred Hertel
Digital transfer By: F. Reeder
Songs: (1 of) 3 Pieces for Lute (16th Century) 14. Pavane
Credit link: https://archive.org/details/GOTHICANDRENAISSANCEDANCES
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0

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