
Design Sprint Switzerland - Google Ventures 5-day Design Sprint workshop

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We are pionners in Europe and leaders in Switzerland. www.design-sprint.com

Originally developed by Jake Knapp of Google Ventures, the Design Sprint is a "greatest hit" of business strategy, design thinking, and user centered design.

The idea is actually very simple. Accomplish work that can sometimes last for months in just 5 days. This unique methodology allows complex user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) problems to be solved through creative problem solving and prototyping. At the end of the Sprint, we will produce a deliverable of great value: the clickable prototype of your future application.

In 2016 the Design Sprint was already used internally at Google and within cutting edge companies such as Uber, Medium, or Slack.

Nowadays a wide range of Fortune 500 companies and organisations are using Design Sprint to find answers to critical problems or initiate strategical projects or products. Examples include Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon IBM, NASA, L'Oreal, Lego, Walmart, Home Depot, KLM, Airbnb, BBC, Le Monde.

Sprintstories website compiles a large number of case studies presenting results from Design Sprints.

In Switzerland we have worked with big names such as Swiss Re insurance, Kudelski, Romande Energie, Swisscom, EPFL, Swissquote Bank, Retraites Populaires, Autodesk... Learn more about our clients.

First, you have to see Sprint as a highly agile and fluid process. According to the project and the goals we will set, it is possible that we will move quickly on some steps already acquired in order to focus on achieving a higher fidelity prototype.

Google recommends that the Design Sprint consist of a small team of about 5-6 people during the five days. In fact, only the first two days and a half of workshop involve the entire team. Day 3 may gather only the key stakeholders and day 4 and 5 that are used for the production and the testing of the prototype can be done remotely ( we can communicate via email or chat ).
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