
How to LinkedIn: LinkedIn Profile top ranking using keywords

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Social Media - LinkedIn Business Building Workshop

LinkedIn is the social network that is all about business—and it's free! Pete Sabine shows business owners and marketing mangers how they can build a following—and their businesses—using the LinkedIn social media platform.

Main Street Marketing hosts a series of monthly workshops designed to help marketing professionals and business owners quickly attain social media and internet marketing success. The workshops are scheduled for Wednesday of each month from noon to 2:00 pm at JFK University located at 100 Ellinwood Way, Room S 304 in Pleasant Hill.

"If you find yourself confused by all of the social media options, this seminar is perfect for you," said Pete Sabine, the workshop's host and social media consultant. "We not only introduce you to LinkedIn, we will teach you how to build the proper foundation for success, as well as all of LinkedIn's most beneficial features."

The workshop is organized into several segments which include:

Your ideal customer is waiting for you on LinkedIn. This segment teaches you how to connect with them by showing participants:

• How to build an email list or grow a huge audience
• How to make the most of existing LinkedIn Groups to connect, share & build your database
• How to find, add and grow targeted connections
• How to create and build your own LinkedIn Group
• Advanced networking and networking strategies

LinkedIn offers more than just introduction. In this segment you will learn how to use LinkedIn like a top-notch pro with skills such as:

• How to connect with investors, high level decision makers and desired business partners
• How to land the career opportunity of your dreams
• How to promote and profit from live events that build your brand
• How to drive targeted traffic to your website or blog
• How to add engaging videos to your profile

As a business professional you know the importance of getting more leads and growing your brand online. This segment shows you how LinkedIn is one of the best places to build your company's web presence at zero cost by focusing on:

• How to build your LinkedIn company page
• How and why to feature company videos
• How to build up testimonials
• How to connect your employees
• Products and Services niche' pages

For more information call Pete Sabine at (925) 297-4192. This series is sponsored by the Pleasant Hill Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Marketing.

About Pete Sabine
Pete Sabine is a full-time real estate consultant who has specialized in residential and income property sales since 1985. Pete brings together an extensive background in sales, marketing, negotiation, relocation and construction with buying and selling strategies focused on delivering quality services, expertise and innovative solutions for his clients. Pete is a social media trainer and practitioner who has successfully integrated social media and online marketing with his real estate business.

Key words: property sales
Link to: ContraCostaHomeSearch.com
Title Text: Pete Sabine

Key words: real estate investment
Link to: www.buyrealestatewalnutcreekca.com
Title text: Pete Sabine

Key words: real estate consultant
Link to: www.buyrealestatewalnutcreekca.com
Title Text: Pete Sabine

URL Key Words: real_estate_investment / east_bay
Business Name: The Real Estate Investor Network
Contact: Pete Sabine
Email: pete@contracostaliving.com
Address: 3799 Mt. Diablo Boulevard # 100, Lafayette, CA 94549
Phone: (925) 297-4192
Website URL: www.contracostahomesearch.com
Landing Page URL: www.buyrealestatewalnutcreekca.com
Proxy URL:
Target SEO Keywords: real estate investment, buy real estate, real estate foreclosure
Geo: Concord, Walnut Creek

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